I upgraded my Medium membership. Now what?

Call me Mother Teresa

Marx D.
The Side Hustle Club


Unless you’ve been living under a non-Medium rock — like me — you’re likely familiar with the Friend of Medium membership. TL;DR: It’s an upgraded Medium membership for $15/month that allows me to show my support for the Medium community.

At least, that’s what I understood about the Friend of Medium membership when I read about it. Someone, please correct me if I’m wrong.

How exactly does a Friend of Medium membership allow me to show support for the Medium community? Glad you asked:

  • Writers I read earn 4x more.
  • Share “Friend Links” to let your friends bypass the paywall (which I could already do).
  • Show your support for the Medium community.

I upgraded my monthly membership for $10 more to help other writers earn more money. Not to help me. It benefits writers I like instead.

Call me Mother Teresa herself.

Just kidding. There has to be a kickback for me, right? There’s no way I’m paying another roughly $120 yearly and not getting anything back.

Here’s how I view the value of upgrading my Medium membership.

Side Hustle Club newsletter

