It Took Me 3 Years to Make $1, and 30 Days to Make $1,000

Buckle up, grab a cup of coffee, and get ready to be inspired.

The Side Hustle Club


Photo by Krišjānis Kazaks on Unsplash

It is with great pleasure that I take you on a journey through my writing career. Let me start by saying that it was not an easy path.

I dabbled in various niches, from Fiverr to cold pitches, digital marketing to designing, before finally discovering my true passion — writing.

And what a revelation it was.

It took me a considerable amount of time, nearly two years, to find my footing in the world of writing.

I went through the trials and tribulations of honing my craft, constantly seeking ways to improve and learn. But it was all worth it.

Today, I can call myself not just a writer, but also an author.

My writing journey has been filled with many notable accomplishments.

Throughout my writing career, I’ve achieved some amazing things. I’ve edited articles for famous authors and seen my own work published in top-notch publications.

It’s been an honor to work with some of the best minds in the industry. I might not be a best-selling author yet, but my clients love me, and that’s what matters most.

What I love most about my journey is how it started. Let me take you back to the beginning, to the day I earned my very first dollar as a writer.

It wasn’t much, but it meant the world to me.

It was a sign that I was on the right track and that my hard work was paying off.

screenshot from the author from his MPP dashboard

It was a small amount, but it represented so much more than just money.

It was validation that all my hard work was paying off, and it was a sign of things to come.

Now, I make money doing what I love.

Recently, I shared a story about how I made $369 from, a platform that lets readers buy me a virtual cup of coffee to show their support for my work.

It’s incredible how something as simple as writing can lead to passive income.

It’s amazing to think that something as simple as writing a story can lead to passive income.

All I have to do is write, and readers who enjoy my work can choose to support me in a small but meaningful way.

I share all this with you not to brag but to inspire you.

The Beginning of My Writing Journey

When I first started writing, I had no idea what I was doing.

All I knew was that I wanted to make some extra money online, and writing seemed like a good way to do it.

Little did I know, that decision would change my life in ways I never imagined.

At first, I was terrible. My articles were clunky, unorganized, and downright boring.

But I was determined to improve, so I kept at it.

I scoured the internet for tips, studied the writing of others, and wrote and wrote until my fingers ached.

Slowly but surely, my writing began to improve.

I discovered that I had a knack for turning complex ideas into easy-to-understand language.

I started to experiment with different genres and styles, and before I knew it, I had developed my own unique voice.

But the road to success wasn’t easy. I faced countless rejections and setbacks, and there were times when I felt like giving up.

But I kept pushing forward, driven by a deep passion for writing that I never knew existed.

Now, I can say that I’m a full-time writer with a portfolio of published work and a circle of clients all over the world.

It’s amazing to think that something as simple as writing can have such a profound impact on one’s life.

Why I don’t use MPP

When I first discovered it, I was thrilled. Finally, a platform that allowed writers to earn money based on the engagement their articles received.

It sounded like a dream come true.

But as I started writing for the program, I quickly realized that not everyone could afford the $5 monthly membership fee because at that time I couldn’t.

And that meant that my articles weren’t getting as much engagement as I had hoped.

It was a bit of a reality check, to be honest.

I had to face the fact that the Medium Partner Program wasn’t the answer to all my problems.

It was a great idea in theory, but in practice, it just wasn’t working for me. And that’s okay!

It’s important to try new things and see what works for you, but it’s also important to recognize when something isn’t working and move on.

So, if you’re thinking about writing for the Medium Partner Program, just be aware of the reality of the situation.

Yes, it’s possible to earn money from your writing on the platform, but it’s not a guaranteed income.

And if you’re not getting the engagement you need to earn a sustainable income, it might be time to explore other options.

That’s not to say that the Medium Partner Program isn’t worth trying. It’s just important to go into it with realistic expectations.

And who knows? You might find that it works great for you.

But if it doesn’t, don’t get discouraged.

Keep writing, keep hustling, and keep looking for new opportunities to earn a living from your passion.

The $15 Project that Changed Everything

As a struggling writer, I was taking any project that came my way, no matter how small the pay was.

One day, I received a $15 writing project from a client, and I saw it as an opportunity to prove my worth and potentially earn more work from the client in the future.

screenshot of an email from bmc

I put all my energy and skills into that $15 project, and I delivered high-quality work.

screenshot of the final email I’ve sent with a light pitch

The client was ecstatic with the results and immediately asked me to work on another project for them. I couldn’t believe it.

screenshot of the client’s email, where the game started

I had turned a $15 project into a regular client, and my earning potential was much higher than before.

But here’s the thing: it wasn’t just about the money.

That $15 project was a turning point for me as a writer.

It showed me that every project, no matter how small, can be an opportunity to prove your worth and build a relationship with a client.

So, my advice to you is this: don’t underestimate the power of small projects. They may seem insignificant, but they can lead to bigger and better opportunities.

Put your best foot forward on every project, no matter how small, and treat each client with respect and professionalism.

You never know where a $15 project may take you.

Author Disclosure: Please note that you may find an external link to sell my services to you.

The Power of Following Up

After completing that $15 writing project for my client, I knew I had the potential to earn more work from them.

So, I made sure to follow up with them regularly.

I sent them friendly emails, checking in to see if they needed any additional writing work, and provided samples of my work to showcase my skills.

And guess what? It worked.

By following up regularly, I was able to secure more work from that client and eventually turn that $15 project into a $1000 earning. Can you believe it?

Following up with clients can be nerve-wracking, but it’s essential to build relationships and secure more work.

Many clients have a lot on their plates, and they may not have time to seek out new writers for their projects.

By following up, you’re reminding them of your skills and availability for more work.

So, my simple one-line advice to you is this: always follow up with clients after completing a project.

Send a friendly email or message, asking if they need any additional work done and providing samples of your work.

You never know where a simple follow-up may take you!

Remember, building relationships with clients is key to earning a sustainable income as a writer.

By following up regularly and providing excellent work, you’ll be on your way to landing more gigs and earning more money.

To sum up

There you have it, folks. My personal journey of how I turned a $15 project into a $1000 earnings as a writer.

It wasn’t a walk in the park, but it was a fulfilling experience.

My takeaway from this journey is that persistence and patience are the keys to success.

As a writer, it’s important to keep developing your skills and actively seek out new opportunities. And when you do get that opportunity, no matter how small it may seem, always give it your best shot.

You never know, it could turn into a big break. So keep your head up, keep writing, and keep pursuing your passion. The journey may be tough, but the rewards are worth it.

What I can do for you?

I know firsthand how challenging and rewarding the writing journey can be. That’s why I want to offer my hand to help you elevate your writing game to new heights.

Whether you need help finding your voice, creating SEO-friendly content, or exploring sponsorship opportunities, I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Let’s Elevate Your Writing Game Together.

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