Make $800 in 4 Hours Delivering Lost Airport Luggage Using Your Own Car- Easy Side Hustle

Cosmos Kay
The Side Hustle Club
9 min readDec 22, 2023
Image downloaded from shutterstock

So today, I’m about to show you how you can deliver lost airport luggage and make up to $800 in just 4 hours.

The best part about it? You can use your own vehicle for this. This side hustle has the potential to make a lot of money, especially during the holiday season.

So, I’m about to tell you what you have to do, the companies and websites you need to go to, to apply right now, and everything else you need to know to get started.

So, I came across this article right here where this man was able to make $800 in just 4 hours by delivering lost airport luggage.

Screenshot by author

So, you know that we need money so, I had to check this out to see if this is something that we all can do, and we definitely can.

A good thing about this is not many people are doing this; not many people are even talking about this.

So, this is something that you are going to want to hop on quick before it becomes oversaturated.

Now, if you didn’t know, there are literally thousands of bags that are misplaced in airports every day.

So, when this luggage is located, which is usually during the most inconvenient times during your travel, the airline will store the luggage in a storage facility or warehouse.

They usually reach out to a third-party delivery service company, and these companies, in turn, hire independent contractors to come and deliver the luggage.

As an independent contractor, that means you do not actually work for the company; you work for yourself.

You are your own boss.

With that title comes a lot of benefits because that means you can make your own schedule, which means this is really flexible and allows you to decide how much money you want to make.

But let’s get back to the process of how this works.

So, once the delivery company receives the traveler’s information and then you select the areas that you are willing to drive to, the company will assign certain luggage to you.

At that point, you’ll then drive to the storage facility, and you will select all of the luggage that you’ve been assigned.

You’ll load up your vehicle, and then you’ll go out, make your deliveries, and get paid.

Now, being a luggage delivery courier — that’s what you’ll be called — is pretty similar to Uber, except instead of dealing with people, you’ll be dealing with luggage.

I know quite a few people actually prefer to do that.

Now, one thing I am more than sure you want to know is what are the requirements to deliver lost luggage?

Simply, what do you need to do to get started?

Now, this part is really going to vary from company to company, but there are some things that are pretty similar across the board.

Job Requirement

  • They want you to be at least 18 years or older.
  • You’ll also need a smartphone because you will have to download the app in order to see what deliveries you have, what routes you have to go.
  • You will have to have a clean driving record, and they don’t specify how clean is clean, but you know what clean is.
  • There are some that require your vehicle to be a certain year; there are others that don’t.
  • As far as car type, they don’t really specify.

However, just know you can’t go and get a bunch of luggage and talk about you driving your motorcycle to deliver it.

But for the most part, I’ve just been seeing that they accept cars, SUVs, minivans, trucks, box trucks. And with most of these companies, of course, the larger the vehicle, the more opportunities there will be for you to make money.

The Money Aspect

Now, when it comes to the money, which is everybody’s favorite part to talk about, how much you can make is actually going to vary.

  • It’s going to depend on how many deliveries you make; it’s going to depend on how much luggage is in each delivery.
  • Other things that will matter is the distance that you have to drive to make these deliveries.

There are a ton of different factors that will take effect when it comes to how much money you will be paid, but for the most part, you will be paid a flat rate, and then you’ll also receive tips.

But not everybody tips though. Some people don’t tip at all; some people give a good amount, some people do alright.

Where To Apply

The company that our friend from the article who made the $800 in 4 hours works at is called X-Press Bag.

But after I did a little digging to find out more information about them, I found out that this particular company is only located in Texas.

And at the time of my research, I did not find any kind of website available.

So what I ended up doing was I looked for the top luggage delivery companies that are currently hiring that you need to apply to right now if you want to do this.


The first is going to be a company called Senpex.

This company requires you to be 18 years or older, and they also want you to have two-plus years of driving experience.

I didn’t find any kind of car requirements as far as the type you’re driving or the age of your vehicle.

It doesn’t even say that it has to be your vehicle.

But when you do apply, they are going to ask you to submit your driver’s license information.

You will also have to give them your social security number, and then you’ll have to upload proof of insurance.

Another thing they’re going to want is just information about the vehicle, and they want you to take some pictures, including a picture of the license plate.

This is the company that you definitely will have to pass a background check.

As far as pay goes, they have a flat rate of $23 an hour.

But again, keep in mind that you are able to make tips, which can increase the amount of money that you make.

If you are interested in applying to this company, I willput the link in the after this article.

So, make sure you go down there and check it out.

Senpex doesn’t only deliver luggage; they also deliver other things.

This is going to open up opportunities for you to make more money because that means there will be more deliveries available.

Reliable Courier

The next company on our list of delivering lost luggage is Reliable Courier.

This is also another company that delivers more than just luggage.

That means more opportunities for you to make money. With this company, they didn’t provide a lot of information about requirements.

Just during the application process,

they will ask;

  • what type of vehicle you drive (SUV, cargo van, car, box truck),
  • when you’re available,
  • and if you can lift, push, or pull up to 50 lb.

You’ll need a valid driver’s license, a valid plate with current registration, and valid insurance with your name on the policy.

You’ll also have to pass a background check and a drug screening.


Next up, we have a company called GoShare. Among all of this companies, this one seems to have the most requirements as far as the vehicle goes.

The year has to be 2001 or newer, and it will have to pass a vehicle inspection.

You will have to pass a background check and a driving history check.

With this company, they want you to have an iPhone or an Android; they did not give any other options.

They also want you to have a checking account because you will be getting direct deposit when you are paid.

You’ll need a valid driver’s license, registration, and insurance in the state that you are driving in.

You will have to meet the minimum state insurance requirements and be compliant with local law.

When applying to this company, I want you to know there is a bit of a wait of about 6 weeks.

I recently applied because I am going to go out and try this, and I’m going to let you guys know how much money I am able to make using this particular company.

But I am still waiting to hear back from them, so I just wanted to give you a heads up that there is a bit of a wait with this one.

As far as pay goes, the size of your vehicle is going to be factored into the amount that you make as a courier.

If you are driving a car, SUV, or minivan, the average earning with this one is about $45 per hour.

If you have a pickup truck, then it will go up to you making about $70 an hour.

One thing I want you to know when it comes to making these deliveries with any company is you are not reimbursed for gas.

So that is something that you are going to want to consider when you are deciding which company you want to go with and, of course, which route you want to take, how much money is going to cost for you to do all of that.

Again, like the other ones, this is a company that delivers more than luggage, so you’ll have the opportunity to make more money here.

Bags Inc

Also, there are a couple of other companies I want to share with you today. One of them is going to be Bags Inc.

The info with this one was pretty limited, so they didn’t really tell us many requirements that they have.

The application process was very simple and basic.

They just want to know what city or cities you are able to drive and deliver in. They didn’t even ask anything about the type of car you have or your ability to lift anything.

But I wanted to put this one as an option out there because the more places you have to apply, the more chances you will have of making money.


The last company I’m going to share just to put out there for you is going to be Roadie. Some of you may or may not have heard of this.

Some people like working with this one, some don’t because this one tends to pay on the lower side out of all the different companies that I shared today.

But a lot of people tend to like this one because it’s easier to start working with this company.

They have fewer requirements than the other ones do. There’s actually no minimum vehicle standards that you have to have.

Also, a lot of people like the instant cash out that you can get with this one, which means you are paid daily.

Unlike some of them, you may be paid weekly.

But there is an opportunity for you to make more money if you do multi-stop, like if you were to make one local trip, then you may get paid $13.

But, of course, you will make more money when you sign up for multi-stops.

I hope that this helps you out today.

Please like give clap for this post if you have not done so, and make sure you come back and let us know when you start making money delivering this lost luggage.

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Other than that, I thank you so much for your time, and until next time, we are out. Peace.

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The Side Hustle Club

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