Music: The Obscure Side Hustle Nobody Talks About (That You Can Start This Year)

How to make money in music

Christopher J. Fritz 👁️
The Side Hustle Club


When most people think of the music industry, they imagine pop stars and starving artists — and nothing in between. The truth is, music can also be a fun and successful side hustle — as long as you approach it with a business mindset.

The best part is, you don’t even need to be super talented or unique to make money from a music side hustle. You just need to be consistent and professional.

How To Make Money from Music: The Basics

The keys to earning money with music are:

  1. Stay lean — don’t spend money you don’t have on equipment you don’t need. If you’re in a band, you should be sharing expenses on stuff like merch and flyers, and your bandmates should buy their own equipment. Also, remember that buying nicer equipment won’t make you better at using it.
  2. Network — show up at open mics and at other people’s shows. Help people carry their equipment. Put…



Christopher J. Fritz 👁️
The Side Hustle Club

Mind Your Mind 🧠 | Writer, Podcaster, Musician, + Entrepreneur | Explore my work at: