My Ups and Down LinkedIn Journey and What I Learned

I made some silly mistakes and learned from them

Misha Naraniya
The Side Hustle Club
4 min readAug 25, 2023


Photo by Ricky Turner on Unsplash

The Novice Begining

When I started on LinkedIn in June 2020, I thought it was a job platform, but it is more than that. That’s why I didn’t write any posts. Actually, I did not take it seriously. I didn’t make the best use of it, it took me two years to know it well but when I came to know about it in 2022 still I didn’t use it in a better way, which I still regret.

1️⃣I sent random connections.

2️⃣I accepted random connections.

3️⃣I made an account in January but didn’t write any posts till July 2020.

4️⃣I wrote random posts.

5️⃣I didn’t know my Niche.

6️⃣I didn’t know my target audience.

7️⃣I didn’t build any network or collaborate with people.

8️⃣I didn’t make the best use of DMs.

The list goes on……….

Slowly but steadily I started writing random posts. These random posts gave me hope that I can at least survive on LinkedIn.

I would like to say a Thank You to these random posts that few people read my posts and also resonated with.

I Got My First Client

When almost two months passed, I got a DM. They were searching for a Content Writer but with a low price. I was confused, about whether I should apply for this opportunity or not because the pay was so low.

But in the next moment, I said to myself, Do you have any experience?

NO, I haven’t. Then? Just apply and see what happens.

So I listened to my mind and did the same.

After having conversations over LinkedIn DMs and WhatsApp, I got my first-ever client.

The pay was low. But I wanted experience. And I got it.

I worked with that Client till October 2021.

I Temporarily Disabled My Profile

Even after passing two years, I didn’t optimize my profile. Actually, I stopped posting on Linkedin in 2021 due to some personal reasons. Actually, at that time, I didn’t prioritize my career. I gave priority to my personal life. That’s why I stayed behind.

I completely logged out of my LinkedIn profile from January 2021 to June 2022. I didn’t touch it for 1.5 years.

I haven’t written anything for 1.5 years and also not applied for any Job till October 2021.

So after the termination of my project with my first client, I randomly applied for a Content Writing Job in November.

And on December 25, 2021, I got the second client. I worked with that client till March 2022.

After that, I got three more clients one by one.

Then in July or August 2022, I don’t remember, I started writing on LinkedIn again. But still didn’t take it seriously even after knowing things. (My biggest mistake)

In the meantime, LinkedIn changed completely. I saw that people who had started with me in 2020, are far ahead of me.

And I Learned from My Mistakes

When I started again, It was a completely new one for me.

I would say, It was a new beginning for me.

I took it seriously after November 2022. When I read my connection’s contents. They were really doing their best and making the most use of LinkedIn.

I felt myself miserable.

But they say, naa, you have to learn from your mistakes and I did the same.

I got to know the terms Personal branding and profile Optimization and got to meet some new and amazing people.

I then thoroughly read the posts of my connections, learned from them, and started writing posts.

Still, I’m in a learning phase.

Initially, I used to send or accept random connections, but now I have become a choosy person. I accept only those connections who offer value, who are my prospects, and how can I learn from them?

It took me 2 days to remove those random connections because it was affecting my post’s reach to my target audience.

Now, I write posts every day, and my posts are doing well. People resonate with my content. Because I publish Niche-based content. I now know the pain points of my target audience and offer them solutions through my posts.

I dedicate around 30 minutes to 1 hour to engaging with my prospects. I send personalized connection requests to those who are in my Niche. Slowly and steadily, I’m building a meaningful community.

Still, I have to go a long way.

Final Words

I hope you get some inspiration from my story. I learned from my mistakes. I hope you do not make the same mistakes I did. LinkedIn is such a nice platform, it accepts you the way you are. You don’t need to be a perfectionist in the beginning. You don’t need to wait for the right time. All you need to do is start writing on LinkedIn, connecting with your prospects, and making meaningful connections.

Things take time. But I hope you will soon start your LinkedIn Journey

You can find me here and connect with me.



Misha Naraniya
The Side Hustle Club

Blogger! Freelance Content Writer! Co-author! Writing is my Passion! Coffee Lover! Join my newsletter here: