No Better Time to Make Money With an Online Course
4 Steps to unlock the power of how much money you can make with a simple, short online course.
Who doesn’t like to make money while they sleep???
I love to explore all kinds of things I could do online to make money. I’ve tried selling an ebook (recipe book), publishing two EDMs, making a commission off referring customers via affiliate programs for AI writing tools… ( & Jasper), and more.
But I always have this idea in my mind that’s gonna make me sustainable passive income AND help other people at the same time.
So, after thinking about it for a while, I decided to partner with my friend Husain, a professional videographer, to produce an online course. We made about 10 videos on how to make delicious, amazing soft cookies.
Here was our plan for making a video online course:
1. Research:
Decide a Topic People are willing to pay to learn.
I was running my cookie studio in Dali, China. Making cookies and selling them to people, and they love it! So I am pretty confident about my cookie-making skills and experiences.