Side Hustle Ideas for People Who Are Too Embarrassed to Write

Making money from your emotions is the best side hustle

Bernard Builds
The Side Hustle Club
5 min readNov 10, 2022


Cat looking fearlessly
Author: Mathias Reding

Writing is a scary skill to master.

I know this because it took me a lot of time to start writing. I only started writing after quitting my job.

Even then it was a painful experience. Nothing I wrote made sense. It was as if I was high on cotton candy on a sugar high.

A few years of writing helped me become more eloquent. I’m still not there though.

Writing made me feel vulnerable. Getting hundreds of personal messages in my inbox, gave me the pressure of a thousand ninjas.

It helped me realize that the internet is made up of humans. Some are nice and some are dicks. Writing online can help you identify which category they fall into.

I still get nervous when writing.

But side hustles can help you learn the art of writing. These are my favorite side hustle ideas for people who are too embarrassed to write.

Make money selling your feelings

They say that feelings make up our personality.

If we’re embarrassed to write about ourselves then what can we do? Sell our feelings.

