Skills-based Hiring and Upskilling are on the rise

Isabella Hoesch
The Side Hustle Club
3 min readSep 21, 2023

Your chance to redefine your future, and an opportunity to seize control of your destiny.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

A transformative trend is reshaping the world of talent development. The growing demand for a skills-based workforce is not just a trend; it’s a movement that’s celebrating your ability to learn and grow continuously and at the same time helping companies remain adaptive and competitive.

The Shift Towards Skills-Based Hiring

Traditionally, hiring processes have been centered around credentials, degrees, and years of experience. Once you chose your career path it was hard to switch to a new one. However, a significant shift is underway, moving to a more nuanced, inclusive, and adaptive approach known as skills-based hiring.

What is Skills-Based Hiring?

Skills-based hiring focuses on the specific abilities, competencies, and knowledge that a candidate possesses, regardless of how they were acquired. It’s about what a candidate can do, how well they do it, and their ability to learn how to do something new, rather than where they studied or the titles they’ve held.

It is opening doors for those who have the skills and the motivation to learn but may have been overlooked in the past due to their resume.

Compared to What?

  • Credential-Based Hiring: This traditional approach emphasizes formal qualifications and previous job titles, often overlooking candidates who may have the necessary skills but lack the “right” credentials.
  • Experience-Based Hiring: This method prioritizes the number of years a candidate has worked in a particular role, potentially missing out on those with relevant skills acquired in unconventional ways.

Skills-based hiring is growing in significance because it fosters fairness and equity, increases the likelihood of finding the most qualified person for the job, and aligns more closely with the actual needs of the position.

The Importance of Soft Skills

In addition to technical abilities, understanding and leveraging soft skills are becoming increasingly vital. Soft skills, such as communication, empathy, and leadership, are often overlooked but are essential in fostering collaboration, innovation, and adaptability.

Upskilling and Career Mobility

The rapid erosion of hard skills and the estimated half-life of 2.5 to five years for job-defined duties emphasize the need for continuous upskilling.

On top, the trends of internal and external career mobility are driving the significance of continuous learning and growth which put the individual in charge of seizing new opportunities and their own destiny.

The world is changing, and so can you.

The future of work is here, and it’s a future that increasingly recognizes your unique abilities, celebrates your potential and provides endless opportunities for growth. You are no longer trapped in a career that never resonated with your soul, instead, you have the tools to shape your own path.

Seize the opportunity, embrace the change, and take control of your destiny. ✨



Isabella Hoesch
The Side Hustle Club

Here to share my take on lifelong learning & entrepreneurship:). You can learn more about my activities as life coach here: