The Science Of Selling Part 1: Behaviours and Habits

Knowing how people buy affects how you should sell

Sarah Minnis
The Side Hustle Club


image shows computer
Photo by Samantha Borges on Unsplash

I’ve been reading a book called Hit Makers by Derek Thompson.

It’s about why and how things become popular. What makes a hit? Why does something go viral?

It’s an utterly fascinating and engaging read – I encourage you to read it!

One quote from page 55 I want you to keep in mind throughout this article is this one:

‘…First, understand how people behave; second, build products that match their habits.’

This was an Eureka moment for me!

I’ve always looked at habits as being my habits.

Am I being productive? Am I habit-stacking? How am I making it easy on myself to start and maintain this new habit?

I’ve never really thought about the habits of readers or buyers before.

Not in much depth, anyway.

We all know everyone is busy. We all know people want the easy option when consuming content.

But have we, as creators, ever stopped to compare what we’re creating with the habits and behaviour of our potential readers or customers? Could you produce and market a product focusing on those two things?



Sarah Minnis
The Side Hustle Club

I write about side hustles, productivity and creativity whilst trying to live an eco-friendly and happy life. I love learning new crafts, words and skills!