Why Awards Matter: Reflections on External Validation and Intrinsic Motivation

Tarana Chauhan
The Side Hustle Club
4 min readApr 5, 2023


Why should you care about awards if they are external motivations, breed competition, and cannot be a measure of success?

Photo by Ariel on Unsplash

My homestay recently received the Traveller Reviews Award from Booking.com.

My goal has always been to provide my guests with great experiences. Winning an award for good reviews gave me a sense of validation for my efforts and renewed my motivation to improve. I was so excited that I immediately told all my family and friends and proudly updated my social media.

Image by the Author

After the hype was over I felt two-faced.

On one side, I preach that inspiration should be intrinsic and you should keep working hard without hoping for results. It is up to you to motivate or demotivate yourself, not others. Meanwhile, I am jumping around like a 5-year-old for the first time wearing a tutu because I got external validation.

Although I love the excitement and validation they give, is it worthwhile to strive for them?

It got me thinking if awards should matter and how I really feel about external validation.



Tarana Chauhan
The Side Hustle Club

Analyst by profession, homestay owner by choice, writer by passion and full time hustler by habit.