5 Productivity Tools for Students

The Sidekick App
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2021

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re a student — and being a student is hard. It hasn’t been too long since I myself was a student so I can completely empathize with your current environment. I remember dealing with stress, balancing friends and school, and trying to study as hard and long as possible with the least number of distractions as possible.

Here are 5 productivity tools that really helped me and my friends maximize our productivity during study marathons and still help us now during deep work.

Distraction Free Youtube — Visit Youtube for only what you need


Distraction Free Youtube, or DF Tube, is a Chrome Extension designed to encourage you to use Youtube for only exactly what you need.

Youtube functions on a lot of recommendations, playlists, more or less, things powered by an algorithm to keep you on the site. What DF Tube does is blocks out all the noise on Youtube and allows you to get from point A to point B without any distractions.

This is especially important with a product like Youtube because this is where a lot of us learn, watch tutorials, listen to lecturers, and more. But, it’s also where we play and get entertained — making it difficult to resist distractions that are only one click away.

Sidekick — Plan time for deep work and self-improvement


Sidekick is how you intentionally plan time for deep work and self-improvement.

Through a Chrome Extension and a web application, you can set goals, schedule deep work sessions, and block distracting sites. By emphasizing your long term goals and building a sustainable work ritual, you intentionally work on what matters the most to you and make the most of your time.

Brain.fm — Improve your focus through music


Brain.fm is a web application that uses music to help you focus, relax, meditate, or even sleep. This application uses a scientific approach to create background music or ambient noise that supports your goals.

All you need to is select the task that you’re doing (focusing, relaxing, sleeping, etc) and then let the product queue up the most fit song.

Habitica — Gamify building positive habits


Habitica is a web and mobile application designed to make building habits fun. It’s like gaming but with accomplishing daily and weekly goals.

For example, take flossing your teeth. Each time you remember to floss your teeth and record it in Habitica, you’re rewarded with a cute pet, food for your pet, or a fun game.

Pomodoro Technique — Maximize your productivity with time chunking


The pomodoro technique is a popular productivity technique created by Francesco Cirillo. This technique works on the concept of time chunking.

The most official time breakdown is working for 25 minutes and breaking for 5 minutes. However, many students also utilize the breakdown of working for 50 minutes and breaking for 10 minutes. It’s really up to you and knowing how you work the best.

I hope you get the chance to check some of these tools out and more importantly, that they are helpful. Happy studying — you got this!



The Sidekick App

Chasing my dreams. I write about my journey to passive income and building SaaS products like https://thesidekick.app/ and more. Come follow along!