Using Snapchat’s Technological Hook for Good

The Sidekick App
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2021

Chances are, you’ve heard of the app, Snapchat. If you’re a user of Snapchat, chances are, you’ve had a streak — you know that little fire emoji besides a friend’s name. Have you ever asked your friend to log into your account and snap a picture of nothing but simply a caption “streak”? Or maybe have you done the same for a friend?

That is a demonstration of a powerful technological hook. The little fire emoji gets you to log on every day and snap a picture (use their product), until eventually, it becomes a habit. It’s one of the ways Snapchat got to 238 million users.

Our brains are wired a certain way — and sneakily, tech giants have learned how to use it to their advantage. Instead, try flipping this around — and using this hook to your advantage. There’s even a productivity technique based on this concept called “Don’t Break the Chain.” Try starting a streak to build a healthy habit. After 7 days straight or 14 days straight of said healthy habits, it’s impossible not to feel accomplished when looking back at what you’re capable of.

I set a streak of doing 3 hours of deep work every day — and boy is it powerful. It got me to wake up at the crack of dawn just so I know I can reach my streak that day. It got me to choose deep work instead of going to a bar just so I know I can rest easy that day. The good thing about this hook — is that yes, I’m getting rewarded with a little counter towards my streak, but the bigger picture is, I’m showing up every day to make progress towards my goals and dreams.

Try it yourself! I hope it works!

Step #1: Set a Streak

Set a daily deep work goal

Step #2: Do the Streak

Quickstart a deep work session

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The Sidekick App

Chasing my dreams. I write about my journey to passive income and building SaaS products like and more. Come follow along!