7 Tips to Master Working From Home

During these times of uncertainty, make sure you have time for yourself too.

Sheala Michelle
The Sideline
3 min readMay 10, 2020


During this COVID-19 pandemic, most of us have shifted to a work-from-home setup and may be struggling with balancing personal and work time. Here are some tips to help you stay refreshed, and ensure you still have that me-time you deserve.

Photo by Marcus Aurelius from Pexels.com

Tip 1: Get dressed

You don’t need to dress as formal as a regular pre-pandemic workday, but the simple act of dressing up aids as a work-mode switch which sets the tone for your day and adds a sense of normalcy that we all need during this crisis.

Tip 2: Set up a designated work area

Going to your office triggers and reminds you to focus on your work. However, as you have now transitioned to working from home, these boundaries or small triggers may not be present yet. To help you transition from work and me-time, designate an area conducive for work. A spacious and organized area with good natural lighting is recommended to increase productivity.

Tip 3: Build an into and out of work ritual

Same way as you designate and separate your physical workspace, you should maintain defined working hours. Set up a ritual that signals the start and end of your work time. If your job is more collaborative, being on the same schedule as your co-workers make everything much easier. If you live with other people, it also lets them know when to limit distractions and when to hang out. Having separate time for work and personal will allow you to be more present in your home life.

Tip 4: Always communicate

As this pandemic poses a lot of uncertainty, plans would most likely change as you go so your team must always be aware of any changes. In the absence of physical meetings, make sure to take advantage of the multiple tools for video conferencing, productivity, and messaging. Utilize these and conduct daily morning huddles so your team can align on the priorities for the day.

Tip 5: Start the meeting right

Start a simple ice breaker to energize attendees and set the mood of your meeting. Recommend attendees to set the mic on mute if not presenting, remind them to be fully present, and discourage multitasking. Lastly, send minutes of the meeting so you know you’re all aligned on the next steps — making the most out of everyone’s time.

Tip 6: Don’t forget to socialize

As your team has now shifted to work from home, this cuts off casual social interactions you may be used to having throughout the day — cutting the monotony of work. Make sure to set aside time to connect, and move those casual social interactions online through the numerous messaging apps available. While you’re at it, connect on a deeper level and know how they’re doing.

Outside of work, make sure to check-in with your friends and family to see how everybody’s doing as well. Hold Zoom conference call parties, with apps like Plato, Psych, or Skribbl.io to lighten the mood. We all need each other in times like these.

Tip 7: Most importantly, set time for yourself

The world is pretty topsy-turvy right now due to this pandemic. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed by it all, this is a very normal response. Don’t let anybody pressure you in doing things you don’t want to do. It is important to take care of yourself and let yourself flow to whatever feels comfortable — workout, discover new hobbies, or simply chill out. Whatever that is — just go easy and never forget to take care of yourself.



Sheala Michelle
The Sideline

Marketing professional trying to write about the humanity behind tech & design