“Ar Dae Try” No More: Embracing Yoda’s Wisdom in Sabi Africa

The Sierra Leone Returnees’ Handbook
2 min readMay 8, 2023
Source: www.ripley.com

As a proud Sierra Leonean, I grew up embracing the humble saying, “Ar dae try “. This cultural approach has taught me the value of humility, and the importance of continuous improvement. However, as I embark on my new social entrepreneurial journey, I find myself turning to a different source of wisdom: Yoda from Star Wars.

Yoda, the wise green Jedi Master, once said, “Do or do not, there is no try.” This seemingly simple phrase carries profound meaning. It’s a call to commit wholeheartedly to our goals and to stop hiding behind the notion of “trying.” It’s time for us to fully embrace our potential and make a real impact. That’s why, with my latest project, Sabi Africa, I am going all in.

Sabi Africa is an ambitious and transformative initiative that aims to revolutionize the way we access and utilise information about development in Africa. Powered by AI technology, Sabi Africa provides a trustworthy and intelligent search platform for users to access a vast database of vetted documents, such as country policies, strategies, laws, peer-reviewed research, and official surveys. These resources hold the key to unlocking the continent’s potential and addressing its most pressing challenges.

As I dive headfirst into this project, I can’t help but chuckle at the thought of how a Sierra Leonean saying and a fictional Jedi Master’s wisdom have come together to guide me on this path. It’s a unique fusion of cultural pride and pop culture inspiration that keeps me motivated and focused on my goals.

With Sabi Africa, I am no longer “trying” — I am “doing.” I am committed to creating a platform that empowers individuals, organizations, and governments to make informed decisions and implement effective solutions to tackle Africa’s development challenges. As Yoda would say, “The Force is strong with this one.”

As we move forward, I hope that more of us can embody Yoda’s wisdom and apply it to our own lives and endeavours. Let’s cast aside the safety net of “Ar dae try” and instead embrace the power of “Do or do not.” Together, we can unleash the untapped potential of our extraordinary continent and make a lasting, positive impact on the lives of millions.

May the Force (and the wisdom of Yoda) be with us!

