Congratulations Super Evil Megacorp!

Rick Thompson
The Signia Collection
2 min readAug 10, 2015
the Gankstars

Congratulations to team Super Evil Megacorp (SEMC) on your recent round of announcements, including the completion of a $26m round of financing.

Super Evil Megacorp is an iconoclast in the world of mobile gaming. Its debut mobile game, Vainglory, stands up to similar hardcore titles on PC or console. Like any breakthrough company, SEMC has found success by challenging conventional wisdom and redefining what is possible. Until Vainglory, the mobile mantra has been all about short session length, asynchronous play, paid user acquisition and early monetization. Vainglory breaks every rule.

If you haven’t tried Vainglory and are looking for a hint of where mobile gaming is headed, then download it now. It is without peer in both its authenticity and ability to delight its players. I was asked recently what I would be doing if I were not already committed to Signia. That answer is easy. I’d be an e-athlete. A mobile e-athlete, competing in Vainglory for glory and gold. You think I’m joking … I’m totally serious.

Super Evil Megacorp, as I had written in a previous blogpost, is extremely humble, consistently under-promising and over-delivering. They would never be so bold or vain to say their destiny is to become the most important mobile gaming company on the planet. Yet, make no mistake — that is their future. I say that not so much as an investor, but with conviction, as a gamer who is hooked on THE most fun game I’ve ever played!

Signia welcomes Index Ventures, Jim Breyer and Yuri Milner to the investor base of SEMC. This journey will be epic.

See you on the Halcyon Fold!

RicardO (add me!)

