100 Days of Drawing

Rhiannon James

Remy Dean
Signifier : Six : Shot : Gallery
5 min readFeb 1, 2024


Rhiannon James on ‘100 Days of Drawing’

I usually never commit. I’ve struggled with sticking to things all my life, even nice things, like making art. Creating is something I enjoy, right? So why is it such a struggle to just make the time? Recently I found myself getting more frustrated with myself — Something had to change.

I sat down with an artist friend over a coffee. We devised a plan — to create everyday for 100 days. It felt like a mammoth task and a million miles from where I sat, currently doing nothing everyday. Since I claim creating brings me joy, why was I not just doing it? I realised I was creating… My own perfectionism was creating barriers to my art making. I was standing in my own way. I found myself making excuses about why I couldn’t make art, such as, I needed at least 2 free hours a day, or I had to have nothing else on that day, or it needed to be started and finished in one sitting, or the pressure of making a masterpiece… the list goes on.

But this mindset was resulting in, well, nothing. I would freeze and not even try. This 100 day project was going to shake me out of my rut. How could I do this more on my terms? This time I would remove the barriers. Firstly, it needed to be super easy to achieve, like stupidly easy. So I chose to draw for 100 days in a…



Remy Dean
Signifier : Six : Shot : Gallery

Author, Artist, Lecturer in Creative Arts & Media. ‘This, That, and The Other’ fantasy novels published by The Red Sparrow Press. https://linktr.ee/remydean