from Pen-y-Cil

KK Sharma


from Pen-y-Cil

…island of the tides
where ebb and flow mingle
and smoke spray dies
over cut-wire cliffs…

but here —
from Pen-y Cil
below charcoal-smudged horizons
pilgrims wash themselves in the wind
and waver into rippled space
losing all mass in the thickening squall
gusts disfigure their open mouths
arms flail to catch distance in a knapsack
skeletal minds fly-off westerly
seeking a kraal

and here
Enlli arises
shoe-like from a fairy tale
hem of her cloak
veiling all loss
in a wrinkle
of silence

KK Sharma



Remy Dean
Signifier : Six : Shot : Gallery

Author, Artist, Lecturer in Creative Arts & Media. ‘This, That, and The Other’ fantasy novels published by The Red Sparrow Press.