#16 The silent CEO… Key learnings at my 24's

Ganesh Arulanantham
Learning hard way
Published in
1 min readMar 10, 2016

I am writing this just to capture my thoughts at this point of time in my life. Nothing to do with my past or future.

Overall Key learnings:
1. Solving Problem is more important than people and talent.
2. Never bring up past when u try to solve the current problem.
3. Never get yourself into thoughts like ‘lack of experience’ so I cannot do it, then you cannot do it any point in your life.
4. Blame game always fires back on you, never lose your team for silly mistakes.
5. Set always goals high, motivate others always.
6. Don’t give shit about your mistakes, as long as you learn something new.
7. Talk in front of people, just appreciate behind.
8. If you don’t believe in the journey, do not start one.
9. There is no right of doing things, it is only learning the right way.
10. Procrastinate is the ‘mother of failure’, Patience is the ‘mother of victory’
11. Give always constructive criticism, you should look always good.
12. Kill meetings — ‘They are complete waste of time’

learning continued……

