Ganesh Arulanantham
Learning hard way
Published in
1 min readOct 20, 2015


#7 The silent ceo… Perfectionism is not startup’s job

All startups are run with a fundamental rule to “fail fast” or “earliest customer response”, in this quick job the ultimate purpose of the team is to focus on building the solution not perfecting the solution. Take time to finalise the solution and take the first step as early as possible.

It does not mean to be imperfection, it is the foremost duty and responsibility of the team to be perfect on whatever is being build or expected to be build. #Mistakes and carelessness are not permissible

How to reach perfection then? — Iteration — perfection is achieved by the only iteration, not in the first step. Iterate as many times as possible in shortest time.
Good startup team never hesitate to accept changes during iteration.

Stop talking, Start building

