A mental health solution that worked for me

A personal journey of connection, writing, and growth from combat to college

David Carlan
The Silent Politician


Photo by Bret Kavanaugh on Unsplash

Psychology of Interconnectedness

As a soldier on active duty in the United States Army, I have personally experienced the devastating effects of PTSD, suicide, and the challenges of transitioning from combat to college.

However, through my journey, I have found that the Psychology of Interconnectedness, a new approach to mental health, has been instrumental in my journey of healing and growth.

At the core of the theory of interconnectedness are three key aspects: connection with oneself, connection with others, and connection with the environment.

By focusing on these connections, I have found meaning and purpose in my writing and use it as a tool for healing.

Connection with oneself

Connection with oneself involves developing a strong sense of self-awareness and self-acceptance.

Writing has been essential in this process, allowing me to express my thoughts and emotions and gain insight into my identity and values.

It has also helped me manage college stress and maintain my 4.0 GPA.

Connection with others

Connection with others involves building strong, supportive relationships.

The military community provided me with a sense of camaraderie and purpose, and through writing, I have connected with others who share similar experiences and struggles.

This sense of community has been critical in providing a sense of belonging and support, essential for good mental health.

Connection with the environment

Connection with the environment involves developing a sense of awe and wonder for the natural world.

Spending time in nature has been a way for me to reduce stress and anxiety and gain an understanding of perspective and humility.

Writing about my natural experiences has allowed me to share my insights with others and cultivate a sense of purpose and meaning.


The Psychology of Interconnectedness provides a robust framework for understanding the role of connections in mental health.

By focusing on relationships with self, others, and the environment, we can find solutions to mental health challenges and cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

