“Stupid” Americans

K.B. Parker
The Silent Politician
3 min readOct 9, 2023

By: K.B. Parker

Photo by Jose M on Unsplash

I hate to say it, but sometimes I wish I could’ve moved to Europe during the time of Obama.

I would be treated much better than I am today.

I am not saying everyone here hates Americans.

Of course not. I am not a person to go around throwing around absolutes, especially not about groups of people.

But I genuinely believe that Europeans think the American people’s intelligence has declined after Trump was elected, even though I didn’t vote for him in either election.

I have been called dumb on numerous occasions here.

I was even being called a “stupid American” by my gynecologist.

I didn’t deserve it, I promise you. It was simply just the fact that I was American.

My father is a die-hard Republican, and my mother is highly liberal.

I sincerely think that is one of the main reasons I felt a pull towards journalism for my Bachelor’s degree. I want the truth.

The truth can be challenging to find.

I searched many different sources and found other answers.

How can these so-called “journalists” be proud of spewing around lies? Spreading hatred?

It’s increasingly becoming more and more concerning.

The world doesn’t feel right at the moment.

Being just on the cusp of turning 26 may indicate that I am genuinely coming into adulthood.

Or is it the aftermath of the pandemic?

Is the war between Ukraine and Russia continuing? Is inflation continuing to rise while housing is nearly impossible for the average American to afford?

This can’t be the norm for what adulthood feels like. Suitable? Please tell me this isn’t normal.

The worst part is I don’t know how to fix any of it.

Sure, I can vote. But I feel so incredibly stuck.

I have this itch to do something about it, but where can I start?

I hate that a recurring question that pops into my mind is: How can America continue to help so many other countries when we can’t even help ourselves?

It feels wrong, but it’s also true. Our healthcare system is broken.

Our education system is failing. Our homeless population is skyrocketing.

The U.S. was the only country out of over 180 countries in the UN to vote that food is NOT a human right.

Yes, something is very wrong with America indeed.

And with all of this considered, would I, too, think Americans are stupid if I wasn’t one myself?

It’s hard to explain how we got here, how I didn’t want any of this. How a lot of Americans don’t want this for our country.
I never shy away from telling people that I am American.
However, I know a lot of Americans that do.

How has it become such an embarrassing thing to admit?

I hope to live long enough to see the world look up to America again instead of fearing it.



K.B. Parker
The Silent Politician

2020 University of Nebraska Lincoln graduate with Bachelors in Journalism. Opinionated is an understatement.