The Simple Things, part 1.

Bring on the washing up.

The Simple Things
2 min readJul 30, 2015



I’m in the zone. Standing at the kitchen sink with my hands in greasy, lukewarm water.

The pile of dirty dishes on the right has become a pile of shiny dishes on the left.

Of all the household chores, the only one I really look forward to doing, rather than run screaming from, is the washing up.

I’m not sure what it is that appeals to me about it, but I think it’s the sense of actually achieving something, starting off with a messy kitchen and ending up with a gleaming pile of shiny clean plates.


It saddens me to think there are people out there who’s only contact with washing up is through loading and unloading the dishwasher: what I call ‘virtual washing up’! People who have no idea of the entertainment value of washing up.

The only cloud on the horizon is that my wife is threatening to buy a dishwasher. Now, that would be a dark day indeed.

