The Simple Things, part 2.

The walking commute.

The Simple Things
2 min readJul 31, 2015


Early one morning…

For many years I cycled to work. It wasn’t a conscious effort to keep fit, but a necessity. I don’t drive and there is no public transport suitable for my needs, so cycling it had to be. Occasionally in winter, when the treacherous icy roads made cycling difficult, I would walk. On those occasions I used to enjoy the me time it provided. I was able to think clearly about, well, just stuff really. Or listen to heavy metal music. Depending on my mood, really. Then when the weather improved I would get my bike out again. Recently I started walking again and, it is no exaggeration to say, it has changed my life. Instead of heavy metal, I started listening to podcasts, mainly from How Stuff Works, such as Stuff You Should Know. This takes my mind of the day to day stuff, and sets my mind spinning off in odd directions.

This coincided with my discovery of, through stumbling across the app on the iOS App Store. I had tried blogging many times before, but became so bogged down with the technicalities that I forgot the point of the blog, namely, the content.

Once I had posted my first story, and got my first readers, I had to go on. I had found my voice and I was going to use it. So now I use my commuting time productively, writing stories in my head. Sometimes they make it past the first edit, sometimes they don’t. Even the ones I discard can form the basis for a future story, so they are rarely wasted.

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