
Gregory Slator
The Simplicity of listening
2 min readSep 26, 2017

Hi my name is Greg this blog is going to talk about the skill of listening and how it could help your professional career and your social life. Listening has always been important to me because when people don’t listen to you it makes you feel as if you’re not important to them.

The feeling of not being listened to is awful within the business aspect because it creates tension and unease between professionals. Also I’ve seen some people during work just not listen to their bosses and co-workers which causes confusion and failure.

I believe that when you work you should point your all into it and do as much as you can because it defines your character and shapes who you become. You don’t want to be known as the person who is uncapabale of listening because it can hurt your chances of getting a job and if you dont listen to others it shapes you into an insubordinate. I believe this skill can help anyone because no matter the occasion if you listen it just leads to better outcomes. Better outcomes turns into better relationships which can fuel the workplace moral and make everyone perfrom to their true potentials. Over the next two weeks I plan to observe how people listen to others, and reflect in my course journal and or notebook that way I can see how others interact with each other.

