POWER Listening

Gregory Slator
The Simplicity of listening
2 min readOct 2, 2017

The past week I have been reding the book Power Listening: Mastering the Most Important Skill of All. This book by Bernard T. Ferrari gives us an insight on why listening is worth it and even gives us some personal examples of his own.

“When you listen with intent, you must bring a heightened awareness to the conversation, so that you can formulate the right questions and generate the necessary interjections and interruptions to advance the conversation productively.” Bernard, Ferrari. T. (2012)Power Listening: Mastering the Most Important Skill of All New York, New York: Portfolio/Penguin

I really enjoyed this quote while reading the other night. The reason for that being within the simplicity of his words. Ferrari shows the skills that are most necessary to become a productive listener which can help you in the world of bsuiness and professionalism just like him.

When you listen to someone it shows how sophisticated one might be which can become a great indicator of one’s approach to thought and their capability. (Ferrari, 2012, p. 13)

Ferrari believes that if you are truly listening to someone; as in his case the very succesful executive he met up with all the time; it helps you to read people better an propel your business skills to the next level which can take you a long way.

Another quote by Ferrari that Iliked was “ To me, a “team” is any group of people working together with a common purpose.” (Ferrari, 2012)

When it comes to the business and management world teams are always being produced to achieve one common goal together. Whe your apart of a team there are multiple members not just yourself. So, in order to achieve your goals you need to work together and listen to each other. You need to listen to others ideas because when you do that multiple great decisons are ideas are made and then greatness can ensue.

