如何擋下觸寶輸入法的COVID-19廣告/How to block Touchpal IME’s COVID-19 ads

In case you’re still using it

Jerry Ho
Jerry Ho
2 min readJul 21, 2020


Damn it, it’s everywhere

Please check the second half of this article for English version.


我想應該很明顯沒有要重新上架的意思,畢竟只做輸入法他們也沒法賺錢。Time to move on.

但如果你像我一樣偏執,死不改變輸入習慣也不想move on,又不在意觸寶後臺送了一卡車隱私統計資料出去,要怎麼處理掉下面這個煩人的廣告?

因為我不太想patch apk,各位會不知道我放了什麼東西進去,感覺髒髒的。所以你有兩條路可以選:

  1. 先使用觸寶內建選項備份詞庫=>wipe 觸寶的應用程式資料=>用Adguard之類會在本地處理流量的VPN/擋廣告軟體,直接block touchpal整隻app的網路連線=>再還原詞庫。


2. htc oem的路徑,其他請自行延伸。


先chown將此檔案的權限先改成root, 避免又被觸寶蓋回去;然後移除以下這一段即可:

<promoApp fid="IME_OEM_ANDROID_wenzi_oem_weather_2020_0714_01_default"
<toolbarToast allowClean='false' clickClean='false' ensureNetwork='any'>
<action action="launchLocalApp" intent="android.intent.action.VIEW" packageName="" data="https://usa.ime.cdn.cootekservice.com/default/webpage/kbd_push_20200622/weather_news/weather_newsInfoti0713.htm" cleanAcknowledge="launched"/>



It is * rumored * that the development of Touchpal was no longer active. It’s kinda obvious that you can’t find it on Google Play anymore after being flagged as adware/malware a long time ago. https://www.xda-developers.com/touchpal-keyboard-cootek-google-play-store-disruptive-advertising/

Well they can’t get enough revenue on Touchpal IME, it’s only fair that they abandoned it. Time to move on.

But, what if you are as stubborn as I do, and you don’t wanna change your input method?

This is what you get. Aggressive advertisements.
I’ll tell you how to get rid of it.

I don’t like to provide patched apk for various legal and moral reasons, so here’s two ways that you can patch it out:

  1. Backup your user dict/input behavior file via built-in option=>wipe Touchpal data=>Block the internet connection of the whole Touchpal app via Adguard/some other local VPN with customized rules=>restore input data and your personal settings

This is kinda clean as it also block touchpal from upload some of your * diagnostic data * onto their server. You’ll lose cloudsync and cloud vocabulary, though.

2. Refer to this path (htc oem version, check similar paths for your phone if not found)


chown this file into…root or whatever you want to prevent Touchpal overwriting our changes.
Remove these lines, surrounded by <promoApp>

<promoApp fid="IME_OEM_ANDROID_wenzi_oem_weather_2020_0714_01_default"
<toolbarToast allowClean='false' clickClean='false' ensureNetwork='any'>
<action action="launchLocalApp" intent="android.intent.action.VIEW" packageName="" data="https://usa.ime.cdn.cootekservice.com/default/webpage/kbd_push_20200622/weather_news/weather_newsInfoti0713.htm" cleanAcknowledge="launched"/>

You can also zero out the file, but I haven’t test it out yet so not recommended.

One last thing: suck it up if you don’t have root on your phone. I don’t have some magical 0 day like FBI agents do, thus I can’t help you enter your application sandbox. Sorry about that.



Jerry Ho
Jerry Ho

A cryptographer, rigorous defender of civil liberties on blockchain. Trilingual in Mandarin, Japanese and English, I firmly believe in self-sovereign identity.