4 Thinking Patterns Used by Successful People to Make Their Decisions

Weigh your options carefully — decide efficiently

Patrick Krukenfellner
The Sixth Sense


Photo by Daniel Mingook Kim on Unsplash

For a long time, I’ve tried to implement the habits of highly successful people. Do exactly what they do, and it will lead to the same results.

Like many others, I followed this idea for years, until I discovered John C. Maxwell’s How Successful People Think. This book completely changed my perspective. Suddenly, someone stopped talking about habits of successful people, and instead focused on their thoughts and how they make their decisions.

Changing the way I think was an essential step to restructure my life, define what actions are followed by the most profitable results, and make the best possible decisions in many different scenarios. The amount of productivity time has significantly increased, I’ve been able to double my content-output and be more effective with the time I have available.

Here are 4 of the thinking patterns that successful people use, which I appllied into my daily life to be able to choose the best options for my decisions.

1. Implement Big-Picture Thinking

Strong leaders always have an eye for the overall situation. They can include many different factors, and determine…



Patrick Krukenfellner
The Sixth Sense

Co-Founder & Head of Solution Architecture at ACONIO, where we provide cutting-edge automation solutions using Robotic Process Automation.