reflection from Metalog workshop (part 1)

Steven Mak
The Skilled ScrumMaster
3 min readJan 23, 2020


Last week I attended Metalog Experiental Learning TTT workshop, organized by The Learning Gym. It has been a long time I wanted to improve my teaching skill. So this was a good opportunity for me reflecting what I have done so far and what else I should consider when I deliver trainings.

The first thing that caught my attention is poster on wall which describes problems that bother us as trainers. Here are some examples.

You may find some of those bothering you too. The instructor, Shilpa, set the stage for us to share our concerns and soon started the first activity.

As this is a workshop about Metalog, all the activities are Metalog games, around a dozen of them in two days. You can find their catalog on their website: . I leave them for you to experience yourselves at some point.

When it comes to games, there are also plenty of them from Agile community, like Tasty Cupcakes, RetroMats, Liberating Structures, Lego4Scrum, Lego Serious Play and so on. There are some well known ones such Build your own Scrum, Ball Point Game, Paper Aeroplane game and another version of Paper Aeroplane game.

Over years, I noticed that I have a preference for discussions over playing games, (1) the game itself is too far from actual work (2) I don’t…



Steven Mak
The Skilled ScrumMaster

Ugly Code Cleaning Dude, Bug Magnet, and Cat Herder at Odd-e Hong Kong. I write about software development practices, and technology and society in Hong Kong.