Meet Sydney

Collin Theatre Center
The Skin Of Our Teeth Cast
1 min readSep 21, 2017

Sydney Perry tackles a major role in the upcoming production of The Skin of Our Teeth. This is her second year in the theatre program at Collin College. Her professors describe her as “phenomenally talented”.

She will perform the role of Sabine. Find out more about her in this brief Q & A.

Q: Tell us where you would call “home”?

A: I was born and raised in Dallas, Dallas will always be my home. (:

Q: Define “The Skin of Our Teeth” with only 3 words.

A: Unexplainable, Weird, Different.

Q: What are your top 3 favorite TV shows?

A: Dr. Phil, Orange is the New Black, 48 hours

Q: Who is your favorite artist and why?

A: Amy Winehouse, there is no need for an explanation.

Q: Why should someone want to some see “The Skin of Our Teeth”?

A: It’s going to be FUNNY!

Buy Tickets to The Skin of Our Teeth today!

