Meet Siete White

Collin Theatre Center
The Skin Of Our Teeth Cast
2 min readSep 8, 2017

The amazing, talented, fantastic Siete White plays Gladys in Collin Theatre Center’s upcoming production of “The Skin of Our Teeth”.

This is her first year at Collin College. Find out more about her in our Q&A below.

Q: Tell us where you would call “home”?

A: To me home is anywhere that I can submerse myself in creative inspiration — be it on stage at a theater, portraying someone’s work on camera, or surrounded by art in a museum I feel most “at home” when I find myself in situations of artistic expression.

Q: Define “The Skin of Our Teeth” with only 3 words.

A: Evolutionary — Family — Resilience

Q: What are your top 3 favorite TV shows?

A: Scandal, Rick & Morty, Stranger Things

Q: Who is your favorite artist and why?

A: My favorite artist is with out a doubt the Queen herself Beyoncé. In my opinion she’s the best performer of our generation and I idolize her humility and overall flawless character in the public eye.

Q: Why should someone want to some see “The Skin of Our Teeth”?

A: The Skin of Our Teeth is an absolute genius timeless piece that, despite it’s inception over 70 years ago, is still extremely relevant in its portrayal of the social and political struggles faced by humanity today. The show is truly a work of art that has something for people of all walks of life and beliefs and that’s what makes it special, and why I believe EVERYONE should see it!

Buy Tickets to The Skin of Our Teeth today, and check back on Medium to read about more cast members.

