How to Transition From OSINT Practitioner to Intelligence Analyst

The Sleuth Sheet
Published in
5 min readFeb 18, 2024


  • What Is an OSINT Practitioner
  • The Dividing Line
  • Intelligence Analysis
  • Bonus Challenge — Prize

What Is an OSINT Practitioner

Let’s define the term ‘practitioner’ as someone who actively applies a skill, but has not yet reached a certain level of mastery. A practitioner has moved beyond being a beginner and has achieved a basic to moderate level of proficiency through regular practice. However, unlike a professional who has gained enough experience to be highly skilled, a practitioner is still developing competency and working to smooth out their abilities.

Moreover, practitioners may refer to individuals who have competence in research or information gathering and utilize basic OSINT skills as part of a larger process. For example, bug bounty hunters and pentesters specialize in cybersecurity. Still, they will use Google dorks like “inurl:index.php?option=com_jp_jobs” or “intitle:Vulnerability Report Critical ext:pdf inurl:adminpanel site:gov.*” as part of their work.

Practitioners may also compete in capture the flag competitions and similar events for enjoyment, even though these activities only showcase a subset of true OSINT usage. In this way, practitioners have familiarity with key concepts and techniques, but their skills are more narrowly focused on accomplishing specific tasks, rather than comprehensively integrating the full range of OSINT capabilities.

The Dividing Line

A practitioner and an analyst differ in their analytical skills and ability to create unbiased intelligence. Understanding intelligence processes can bridge this gap. An analyst uses various skills to minimize bias and generate reliable insights. In contrast, a practitioner’s skills are more limited. By improving their analytical skills, a practitioner can become an effective analyst.

Intelligence Cycle

To bridge the gap between practitioners and analysts, start by understanding the intelligence cycle. This cycle helps organize data into useful intelligence. By mastering the cycle’s steps of planning, collecting, processing, analyzing, dissemination, and getting feedback, a practitioner can think critically, like an analyst. Using the cycle helps improve analytical skills and moves from basic to advanced analysis.

Additionally, it’s important to learn and use structured analytic techniques. One such technique is Analysis of Competing Hypotheses (ACH). Another is Key Assumptions Checks. By mastering these techniques, you can reduce biases and assess different hypotheses when analyzing information. Using structured techniques helps you understand the intelligence cycle better. It also connects practitioner skills with integrated analytical tradecraft.

Practical Examples for Learning

Best book for transitioning

Intelligence Analysis

Intelligence analysts analyze information to find insights. They think critically and use structured techniques. The goal is to reduce bias. Analysts combine data to create intelligence for policy-makers. They objectively evaluate probabilities and consequences. Good analysis helps gain advantages, spot threats, and avoid mistakes.

Moreover, to reduce mistakes in thinking, analysts need to grasp the psychology of analysis. They should be aware of their own biases that affect their thinking. Reading important works like Heuer’s “Psychology of Intelligence Analysis” helps identify biases. Reading about cognitive biases provides analysts with the knowledge to improve reasoning and minimize errors in judgment.

  • Practitioners need to acknowledge their own biases. This helps them achieve the objectivity and rigor of professional analysts, which is vital in the transitory phase.

Writing for Intelligence Analysis Is Crucial

To write intelligence effectively, start with main points, and key assessments before going into details. This helps readers quickly grasp important insights instead of hiding them in background information. Use clear and simple language to present the main analysis first. Supporting evidence and specific details can come later. Organize information like a pyramid, with main points at the top for busy decision-makers to understand quickly.

Found via the analytical writing guide

U.S. Army doctrine outlines the SALUTE format for tactical intelligence reports:

  • Size — How many individuals, vehicles, or assets present?
  • Activity — What happened?
  • Location — Where did activity occur?
  • Unit — Which units were involved?
  • Time — When did the event happen?
  • Equipment — What equipment was involved?

This encapsulates the key elements of the information obtained. The context section gives a broader background, such as political drivers, relevant history, and current conditions. Then the assessment section evaluates the meaning, reliability, and implications of the intelligence, answering the “so what?” question for readers.

The value of intelligence insights depends entirely on their quality and strategic impact. Accurate analysis requires rigor to minimize erroneous assessments. Relevance means focusing on key intelligence needs that align with decision-maker priorities. Timeliness entails identifying threats early enough to enable action. Persuasive presentations convince stakeholders to trust analytic judgments and act decisively. When analysis exhibits these attributes, it provides maximum value in informing policies, strategies, and operations.

Resources for Writing

Bonus Challenge


Prize: Hunchly License

You can relay the answer to me via Twitter/X @UnshelledSec or LinkedIn


Date: Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 8:46 PM

Subject: Last trace of agent Cornell


Greetings Special Agent,

We face a challenging case as one of our esteemed agents, Agent Cornell, has gone missing. The latest communication we received from him was a cryptic, blurry image sent from his phone to our central hub. Unfortunately, he provided no context regarding his whereabouts. Our database indicates that Agent Cornell was last spotted in the vicinity of South America, though specifics are scarce. It is imperative that we locate Agent Cornell, whether he is alive or deceased. Special Agent, the responsibility falls upon you to unravel this mystery and bring closure to our missing agent’s case. As always, the contract is yours if you choose to accept.

Best Regards,

Julia Sharpe

Human Intelligence Specialist



Use the Country and Streetname to form the answer.

Example: Spain, E444, madrid

Find The Location

