HUMINT: How I Used Google to Build a Network of Spies

The Sleuth Sheet
Published in
7 min readNov 2, 2023


Human Intelligence (HUMINT) refers to the process of gathering information through interpersonal contact and engagement, as opposed to technical or signal-based intelligence methods. It is one of the oldest and most traditional forms of intelligence collection and plays a crucial role in national security, law enforcement, and corporate espionage. HUMINT operatives, often known as agents or spies, collect information through various means such as interviews, interrogations, surveillance, and by developing relationships with individuals who have access to valuable information.

Cautionary Tale of 21st Century Spycraft: The Digital Turn in HUMINT

In the 21st century, the landscape of espionage and intelligence gathering has undergone a significant transformation. Traditional Human Intelligence (HUMINT) operations, which involve agents gathering information through interpersonal contact, have taken a digital turn. This shift has led to the emergence of unconventional means of collecting on-the-ground intelligence, underscoring a cautionary tale of modern spycraft.

The Digital Evolution of HUMINT:

The digital age has expanded the toolkit available to intelligence operatives. Social media, online forums, and encrypted messaging apps have become fertile grounds for HUMINT activities. Agents can now build influence networks remotely, tapping into a wealth of information without ever having to physically infiltrate a location or organization.

Building Networks Anywhere:

With the right digital prowess, networks can be built anywhere, transcending geographical boundaries. Operatives can create online personas to engage with targets, gather information, and even influence opinions and actions. These digital networks can provide real-time insights and data, often mirroring or even surpassing the richness of traditional HUMINT.

A Cautionary Tale: Ethical Considerations and Pitfalls:

However, this digital evolution brings with it a set of ethical and moral challenges:

  1. Privacy Concerns: The ease of accessing personal information online raises serious privacy concerns. Ethical considerations must guide intelligence agencies in respecting individuals’ rights to privacy and data protection.
  2. Misinformation and Manipulation: The digital realm can be rife with misinformation. Agents must tread carefully to ensure the integrity of the information collected and to avoid contributing to the spread of false narratives.
  3. Security and Accountability: Digital HUMINT operations can be susceptible to hacking, leaks, and exposure. Ensuring the security of operations and accountability for actions taken in the digital sphere is paramount.
  4. Cultural and Social Sensitivity: Just as in traditional HUMINT, digital operations must be sensitive to cultural and social norms. Missteps can lead to misunderstandings and can compromise the effectiveness of operations.
  5. Long-term Consequences: The digital footprint of HUMINT activities can have lasting consequences. Ethical considerations must extend to understanding and mitigating potential long-term impacts on individuals and communities.


Peering Through the Wilderness of Mirrors — Art by VEEXH



The majority of individuals may be only partially aware of the extensive interconnectedness facilitated by the handheld devices they possess, which link them to billions of individuals globally. However, an even larger proportion may be unaware of the concealed realm of information accessible through platforms such as the Google Play Store. Applications designed for language acquisition and cultural exchange serve as fertile grounds for establishing connections and procuring information, aligning with the objectives of Human Intelligence (HUMINT) operations.

Apps I Chose to Use

Apps within Google Play Store

The initial objective of utilizing mobile applications was to facilitate language learning. However, it was subsequently discerned that these platforms could be strategically employed for Human Intelligence (HUMINT) operations, providing access to firsthand information from residents of specific countries. Particularly, female users were identified as prolific contributors, often divulging insights that would typically be inaccessible to external observers.


1. Selection of Mobile Applications:

  • Objective: Identify and select mobile applications conducive to initiating interpersonal connections.
  • Rationale: Females are often well-informed about local events and can serve as real-time sources of information.
  • Details: Choose applications known for fostering social interactions and language exchange.

2. Initiation of Contact:

  • Objective: Establish initial contact with potential informants.
  • Rationale: Females are identified as primary contacts due to their persuasive nature and taking advantage of the Halo effect.
  • Details: Engage in conversations, express interest in language exchange and cultural learning.

3. Trust Building:

  • Objective: Develop a rapport and build trust with the contact.
  • Rationale: Trust is foundational to any HUMINT operation and ensures a steady flow of information.
  • Details: Engage in regular conversations, show genuine interest, and respect privacy boundaries.

4. Transition to Social Media Platforms:

  • Objective: Gradually transition the interaction from the initial application to more personal social media platforms.
  • Rationale: Social media platforms allow for more personalized and direct communication.
  • Details: Suggest connecting on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp for ease of communication.

5. Introduction of Monetary Incentives:

  • Objective: Introduce the concept of minimal payments in exchange for information.
  • Rationale: The foreign currency can have higher purchasing power in the contact’s country, making the transaction beneficial.
  • Details: Discuss the possibility of exchanging favors and information for minimal payments.

6. Establishment of Payment Channels:

  • Objective: Set up channels for monetary transactions.
  • Rationale: Secure and established channels like Wise (formerly TransferWise) PayPal, and Crypto ensure safe transactions.
  • Details: Share details of the preferred payment method and ensure mutual understanding of the process.

7. Exchange of Information:

  • Objective: Facilitate the exchange of information in return for the agreed-upon payment.
  • Rationale: The established trust and payment channel allow for a seamless exchange of valuable information.
  • Details: Receive information about (x, y, z) and use that to make informed decisions and provide the agreed payment promptly.

8. Continuous Engagement and Monitoring:

  • Objective: Maintain the relationship for continuous information gathering.
  • Rationale: Ongoing engagement ensures a steady stream of real-time information.
  • Details: Regularly check in, maintain trust, and ensure timely payments for information provided.


Cluster of Information Growth

The term “cluster,” in the context of a network within a specific country, refers to an assemblage of interconnected individuals who collectively serve as a reservoir of shared resources. This concept can be dissected into several key components.

Network Establishment: The initial phase involves the meticulous cultivation of relationships within a targeted geographical locale. By strategically engaging with individuals, a network is incrementally built, eventually reaching a critical mass.

Resource Aggregation: Once established, this network metamorphoses into a ‘cluster,’ characterized by an aggregation of diverse yet interrelated resources. These resources pertain to the collective knowledge, insights, and experiential data possessed by the individuals within the network.

Information Verification: The cluster facilitates expedited verification processes. By tapping into the collective knowledge of the network, information can be cross-referenced and validated swiftly, ensuring accuracy and reliability.

Accelerated Information Acquisition: Additionally, the cluster serves as a conduit for accelerated information gathering. The established trust and rapport within the network enable the rapid exchange of insights, thereby optimizing the speed at which new data can be acquired.


  1. Investment Opportunities: Insights into local startups, emerging industries, and potential investment avenues.
  2. Travel Recommendations: Tips on local attractions, safety, accommodations, and off-the-beaten-path destinations.
  3. Real-time News: Updates on local events, political developments, and social happenings.
  4. Market Trends: Information on consumer preferences, popular products, and market demands.
  5. Cultural Insights: Understanding cultural nuances, festivals, and traditions.
  6. Economic Indicators: Updates on job markets, inflation rates, and economic policies.
  7. Healthcare Services: Information on healthcare facilities, medical services, and health insurance.
  8. Educational Opportunities: Insights into local educational institutions, courses, and scholarships.
  9. Real Estate Trends: Information on property values, rental markets, and investment properties.
  10. Legal and Regulatory Changes: Updates on changes in laws, regulations, and policies.
  11. Technology Adoption: Insights into the adoption of new technologies and digital trends.
  12. Local Cuisine and Dietary Trends: Information on popular local foods, dietary preferences, and culinary trends.
  13. Entertainment and Media: Updates on local entertainment options, movie releases, and cultural events.
  14. Environmental Issues: Information on local environmental concerns, conservation efforts, and sustainability practices.
  15. Social Movements: Insights into ongoing social movements, community initiatives, and public opinion.

Conclusion: Ethical Considerations in HUMINT Operations:

In the realm of Human Intelligence (HUMINT) operations, where interactions are deeply intertwined with the lived experiences of individuals, the imperatives of ethics and morality cannot be overstated. Engaging with individuals who may be navigating challenging circumstances necessitates an approach that is not only respectful but also conscientious and empathetic. Upholding high ethical standards ensures that the pursuit of information does not inadvertently exploit vulnerabilities or exacerbate existing adversities. It is incumbent upon operatives to approach each interaction with a sense of responsibility and integrity, recognizing the inherent dignity of each individual regardless of their circumstances. By maintaining a steadfast commitment to ethical principles, HUMINT operations can be conducted in a manner that is not only effective but also respectful and humane. This commitment ensures that the quest for information is harmoniously aligned with the principles of justice, respect, and mutual benefit, thereby contributing to the long-term sustainability and legitimacy of intelligence gathering efforts.

