HUMINT: Language Learning Spy Kit

The Sleuth Sheet
Published in
6 min readJan 7, 2024

Learning a new language can be frustrating when you don’t know which resources to fully utilize. But don’t worry — I’ve done the work and found the best resources for you.

Why Language Skills Are Important for HUMINT

Fluency fosters trust and cultural understanding essential for gathering human intelligence.

Foundations of Language Learning

  • Listening: This is the most important foundation for language learning. If you can understand what native speakers are saying, you are on your way to fluency.
  • Reading: Reading exposes you to proper grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure.
  • Writing: Writing helps reinforce proper grammar and allows you to practice expressing your own thoughts in the new language.
  • Speaking: Practicing speaking is essential for developing good pronunciation and the ability to have conversations.

Resources for All Languages

For serious language learning, I do not recommend Duolingo. Instead, I recommend comprehensive resources that provide complete training in the foundations of fluency. With tailored resources across these key areas, not superficial apps, you’ll develop true fluency.

Sentence Mining/Chunking Method

Sentence Mining/Chunking Method

The sentence mining method is highly effective for developing speech and listening skills. This method involves finding target language sentences, analyzing the patterns, and drilling them repeatedly to build fluency. I highly recommend this method, especially for Romance languages.

The Pipeline

For optimal language learning, I recommend following this pipeline that begins with iTalki lessons and is supplemented by these excellent resources.


Glossika offers a personalized learning plan tailored to your exact level and interests. Rather than isolated words and phrases, it uses full sentence practice in real-world contexts. This allows you to acquire vocabulary, improve pronunciation, and grasp grammar in a natural way. With customized content that fits your needs, Glossika builds toward fluency through practical, real-world language use. — MY FAVORITE RESOURCE…TOTALLY NOT BIASED.

Routledge Colloquials provide language courses in over 70 languages — the most comprehensive range available. With so many languages to choose from, Routledge Colloquials offer unparalleled options for language learners at any level.

The FSI language courses from the US Department of State’s Foreign Service Institute are renowned for their depth and effectiveness. Used by professional diplomats before overseas postings, these courses feature unmatched amounts of audio and text instruction. Designed to take students to fluency within months, the FSI courses have a proven track record of language learning success among diplomatic professionals. With their intensive format, these courses can impart true fluency in a short period of time.

LanguageTransfer offers free language courses that reflect a cooperative, caring approach to learning rather than a competitive one. The Thinking Method behind LanguageTransfer challenges assumptions about language learning and teaching. This innovative approach makes LanguageTransfer an underrated resource, especially for learning languages like Turkish. By focusing on truly understanding concepts and patterns, LanguageTransfer can impart language skills and fluency in a thoughtful, engaging way.

Immerse yourself in the language as you did when first learning your native tongue. Surround yourself with comprehensible input that engages you. Start easy and incrementally increase difficulty. Meaningful immersion is the key to fluency.





For native English speakers, the easiest path to reading Arabic is by mastering the grammar. These exceptional professors provide instruction to intuitively understand Arabic linguistic structures and patterns. With a solid grammatical foundation, Arabic script becomes accessible, achievable, and a gateway to fluency.

FC Lang Media also has a resource for Persian and other languages.


Meu segundo idioma. Eu amo esse idioma.

To start, it’s important to learn both the Brazilian and European accents of Portuguese.

The most standard Brazilian accent is from São Paulo. Become familiar with this pronunciation.

The most standard European accent is from Lisbon, Portugal. Get comfortable with this accent as well.

Mastering both the São Paulo and Lisbon accents is crucial for fluency in Portuguese.

Vamos embora!

Additional Portuguese Resources


You only need one resource for Russian…I’m serious but, don’t forget to pair with iTalki.


The easiest language for English speakers to learn.

Utilize down time to learn Spanish:

  • Set phone language to Spanish.
  • Listen to Spanish podcasts.
  • Play Spanish music.
  • Watch Netflix in Spanish.

Immersing yourself in the language during spare moments greatly boosts fluency.

Baselang is the ultimate resource.

TIGRINYA — East Africa

Additional Tools and Unconventional Methods

If Traveling and No Time to Learn

Falling In Love

Falling in love motivates immersion in the beloved’s native tongue. Powerful emotions cement new language patterns. A shared future creates an urgency to fluently communicate. — I say go for it but don’t get compromised my spies in training.

Browser Extension — Netflix

Language Reactor

Enhance your language skills in an effective, enjoyable way by watching media in your target language. Language Reactor is a powerful toolbox that helps you learn from native materials. It allows you to discover, comprehend, and acquire language through films and shows. With Language Reactor, formerly Language Learning with Netflix, studying becomes more productive, engaging, and fun. Immerse yourself in authentic content for natural language development.

In Loving Memory Of laoshu505000 the Language Master

Memory Eternal

