A Simple Declaration

3 min readFeb 13, 2016


I’m really excited.

I’m trying something new.

In the spirit of honesty, openness and accountability, I thought it would be great to kick us off with a little declaration. Well, it’s not really little; it’s actually pretty huge, even monumental.

It’s monumental because today is the start of a new path and direction for me.

Let me start with a tragic tale…

Once upon a time, there was a fairly intelligent young man. He developed a very broad array of talents. He was a photographer, a videographer and a creative. He was also an artisan, honing his abilities with glass, welding and woodwork. He loved writing; he loved deep conversation; he loved reading. He was gifted in academics, enjoyed sports, and he possessed drive, perseverance and fortitude. He was a regular renaissance man, and most people he met were impressed with his abilities.

But one day, he had to “grow up”, and choose a direction, a specialty. He had to narrow his focus and shirk his extra interests, to devote everything to one direction. Our young man became very confused, and a bit sad.

He became very average.

For several years, he roamed the earth, confused and disillusioned.

Don’t fret, the next act of this story is much, much better.

The young man in the story, that’s me. I know, you probably realized that already. Maybe it sounds familiar to you, like your own story (minus the welding, glass-work and woodwork combo… a little weird maybe?…yeah, a little weird) Maybe you were sad because you had to give up something you loved along the way.

If it does sound familiar to you, and that’s where you are, don’t worry! I have some great news. You don’t have to stay there. We don’t have to stay there. We can move forward together.

Trust me, it’s going to be great.

I know this sounds like the beginning of a multipotentiality saga, but it’s not.

I was told the answer was to pick one thing and go for it. I really can’t blame anyone for giving me that advice. That was, and often continues to be, the advice of the day.

So, I chose photography. I went to school to “master” my craft. It didn’t work out. Wandering ensued.

You know that saying, “Not all who wander are lost”? Well, I was.

I worked many different jobs, e.g., warehouse, bricklayer, photographer, designer, and barista. I always fell back on design and “creative” work to pay the bills. But, I was unfocused and unhappy.

There were some amazing parts though. I met the woman of my dreams and we started a beautiful family. They were light in the “blah”, and they still are.

And then one day, I realized something. The answer I had been waiting for. Though I hoped that it was that I could do everything, it wasn’t.

Are you ready? The answer was that I have to pick something. What!?!

Stick with me here.

I discovered a thread, if you will, that ran through everything I was passionate about. (I guarantee you have one too.) Mine was being involved in stories of change, emotion and vision. I found that the projects, conversations and art, with that thread running through, were always my favorites, my most inspired and passionate work.

Being part of amazing stories is that one thing. It’s my passion. Everything else is a way of expressing that passion. Design, photography and artwork are tools on my belt.

Holy crap. I have clarity. I have focus.

I have vision that defines the essence of who I am, and how I was made, in alignment with my gifts and skills. I didn’t have to give up anything. It’s just that now, I see the bigger picture.

So, now what? Oh, right… A Declaration.

Remember that confusion and disillusion? Chuck it! That overwhelming sense of “average”, yeah, that needs to go too! There’s nothing holding us back, but us.

If any of this rings true, you should join me in living the life you’ve always dreamed of. A life unfettered.

Here’s to Ending Average.

** This was originally featured on my “Ending Average” project. While that site is no longer out in the world, I believe the heart behind it should always be.




Thinker, hiker, photographer, artist, introvert, and writer.