Walking Route: A Titley Circular
A 14km (8 3/4-mile) stroll linking the Mortimer Trail and the Herefordshire Way near Kington, Herefordshire
The Herefordshire village of Titley has a pretty impressive claim to fame. Its local pub, The Stagg Inn, was the first pub in England to be awarded a Michelin star.
So if you fancy something to eat there, it makes sense to work up an appetite first, and this 8.75-mile (14km) stroll is just the thing to do that.
This circular route links two of Herefordshire’s named trails: The Mortimer Trail and the Herefordshire Trail.
The Mortimer Trail is a 30-mile route linking Ludlow, in Shropshire, with Kington, in Herefordshire. It crosses lands once owned and controled by the Mortimer family, favoured by William the Conqueror for their support during that turbulent 11th century period.
The Herefordshire Trail is the county’s prestigious route that circumnavigates the whole county, walking through some of the county’s most beautiful scenery.
The village of Titley makes the perfect start/finish, because there’s a wide layby opposite the war memorial for parking. Or if you fancy taking the bus, Service 41, connecting Knighton with Kingston, passes through on Mondays to Saturdays.