Don’t Be ‘Productive’ If It’s Not In Season
Going with the natural ebb and flow of the seasons
“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall” — F. Scott Fitzgerald
It’s cold, it’s damp and it’s the end of October. I don’t want to leave the house to be damp with it all, so I’ll stay here, behind the comfort of my closed window, looking out on it all.
The rain is productive, feeding the dried grass and roots of summer. It seems adamant about doing its job thoroughly this year, which makes us complain, but ultimately it’s a blessing when I think of the droughts we’ve had here.
The pigeons are productive too. They seem to be eager to smack against my window sill, rattling the tin roof, and chit-chatting amongst themselves. It’s high-time in pigeon season, though I could never know what that could possibly mean. I know why they stick around though. It’s because my neighbour keeps feeding them from his ground floor window. Thanks my guy.
The trees too are productive, in a reverse kind of way. They’re shedding and letting go of all which no longer serves them. I think they are the wisest of us all. We don’t give ourselves enough time to productively shed all of the crap we accumulate.