Don’t Waste Time, Spend It Intentionally

Your priorities may change, but one thing always stays the same

Maria Garcia
The Slow Life
Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2024


Time moving past you. Photo by Valerie Blanchett on Unsplash

If you really put your mind to it, which I am sure you do, insomnia is just a useless waste of time. Time you waste worrying about the time you are wasting. And there goes another minute of sleep you won’t ever get back.

Standing in line or traffic is another colossal waste of time. And so is scrolling on your phone mindlessly for an hour while in the bathroom. Or binge-watching a show you don’t even really care about, but you feel strangely pulled to see through.

Working on things you don’t enjoy is another fantastic waste of time, as is socializing with people who are as blah as the day is long, or having pointless meetings that involve checking idle minutes wasting away more than actual productivity.

If you had to make a rough estimate, off the top of your head, of just how much time you waste a day, how much would it be? Now multiply that number by a week, a month, a year, and a life.

How much time of your life are you wasting?

At this point, you may be shitting yourself a little bit. But let the alternative calculation I want to offer you serve as some solace.

