Just walk your walk

Don’t keep staring at your screen

Patrick Loonstra
The Slow Movement
Published in
1 min readJun 4, 2013


You can not be in the flow all the time. There are times stuff it not coming right away. Waiting for a new creative input of a great finish of a project that you started.

Do not stare at your, the blanco sheet of paper in front of you or the text file with no letter in it or some lose sentences.

Drop the pencil, leave everything behind you, close the door en get out. Walk and ander around. Think about other stuff. Think about the world. What you are doing there right now, think about the great stuff you already did.

And, all of a sudden, something small, can bring you back to the project you left at your desk. And the chances are pretty big you found yourself a new way of looking at it. New input. And new creativity.

Do not force it. And write it down as soon as you have that input.

