Ruby, Dot, and the Sky Whales

A journey above the clouds, where magic takes flight

Gabi Bitter
The Slumber Club


Ruby, with hair the color of a ripe cherry and eyes that sparkled like emeralds, wasn’t your average girl. Oh, no! She lived in a cozy house-on-wheels, exploring endless roads with her feline sidekick, Dot. Dot wasn’t just any cat, mind you. This whiskered wonder had fur as fluffy as a dandelion and a purr that could lull even the grumpiest dragon to sleep.

One breezy evening, as the sky painted itself with streaks of fire and cotton candy clouds, Ruby and Dot climbed onto the roof of their home on wheels. Dot purred like a rusty engine as Ruby stroked his fur, their eyes glued to the sky’s ever-changing artwork.

Suddenly, Ruby’s hand froze mid-stroke, her mouth falling open like a surprised goldfish! Dot’s fur stood on end, a startled rumble replacing his purr. Swimming across the sky, not in water, but in the vast ocean of air, were orcas! Not just one or two, but a whole pod, their black and white bodies gleaming like polished stones. They leapt and twirled, their enormous fins slicing through the clouds as if they were waves!

“Dot, did you see that?” Ruby gasped, her voice filled with wonder. Dot meowed excitedly, his emerald eyes as wide as saucers. This wasn’t just magic; it was something wilder, something that made their hearts thump like a stampede of tiny horses.

As the orcas faded into the deepening twilight, a shiver ran down Ruby’s spine. Not from the cold, but from the thrill of the unexpected. She snuggled closer to Dot, sharing a warmth that spoke louder than words. They knew, no matter where the winding roads led, they’d always have each other, and adventures like this, sprinkled with stardust and wonder, were treasures their hearts would forever hold.

So, the next time you gaze at the sky, remember Ruby and Dot. Keep your eyes wide open, because you never know what fantastical creatures might be dancing on the clouds, waiting to leave a touch of magic in the heart of anyone who believes!

The End



Gabi Bitter
The Slumber Club

A 🇭🇺 writing in English. Mostly about culture, short stories, bedtime stories, introvert stuff, and micro-poems.