The Chimney Sweep’s Secret

A tale of friendship, shadows, and a sprinkle of magic

Gabi Bitter
The Slumber Club


Jasper was a small boy with hands the color of midnight. He climbed chimneys all day long, leaving smudgy footprints on rooftops. Nobody ever noticed Jasper, and that made him feel small and a bit lonely.

One day, a big crow with feathers that shimmered like spilled ink landed beside him. “Hullo,” the crow croaked, tilting its head. “I’m Soot, and who might you be?”

Jasper blinked. No one ever talked to a chimney sweep! “I’m Jasper,” he said, feeling a tiny flicker of excitement.

Soot became Jasper’s friend, a grumbly, funny shadow as Jasper worked. But Soot had a secret. He saw how Jasper looked at the soot swirls in fireplaces, like they were pictures only he could see.

One rainy day, Soot nudged Jasper towards a wobbly brick in a forgotten chimney. Behind it wasn’t darkness, but a tiny tunnel! Candle in hand, Jasper climbed down, Soot fluttering beside him like a big, black shadow.

The tunnel walls were covered in soot pictures: a funny king with a wobbly crown, a treasure chest overflowing with shiny buttons, and a swirl that felt just a bit like magic. Jasper couldn’t read, but he understood these stories.

Down there, they found a kind old lady with twinkling eyes. She showed Jasper how to make even more soot pictures, how to make wishes dance on the walls with his fingers.

Jasper wasn’t invisible anymore. With Soot as his grumpy, shiny friend, he became the soot storyteller, making magic pictures for everyone to see. And as he drew, he knew even a small, smudgy boy could make the biggest, brightest stories of all.

The End



Gabi Bitter
The Slumber Club

A 🇭🇺 writing in English. Mostly about culture, short stories, bedtime stories, introvert stuff, and micro-poems.