The Mirage Saloon and the Map of Shifting Sands. 🏜️✨

Lost cities, hidden treasures, and a saloon that disappears into thin air?

Gabi Bitter
The Slumber Club
4 min readJun 5, 2024


Lost cities, hidden treasures, and a saloon that disappears into thin air?

In the heart of the Wild West, where the sun blazed and tumbleweeds danced, young Dusty dreamed of more than herding cattle. He longed for adventure, for legends whispered around crackling campfires under the vast desert sky. One sweltering afternoon, as Dusty chased a stray calf, a shimmering mirage flickered on the horizon. A saloon, it seemed, rising from the desert sands like a shimmering oasis.

Curiosity piqued, Dusty urged his horse, Patches, toward the vision. As they drew closer, the mirage solidified into a real, wooden saloon, its sign creaking in the breeze: “The Mirage Saloon: Where Dreams and Dust Mingle.”

Inside, a motley crew of cowboys, prospectors, and even a wandering magician gathered around a table, their eyes glued to a map. It wasn’t just any map; it glowed with an ethereal light, its lines shifting and swirling like the desert sands outside.

“The Map of Shifting Sands,” a grizzled prospector explained, his voice a gravelly whisper. “Legend says it leads to the Lost City of Gold, but the sands constantly change its location, making it impossible to find.”

Dusty’s heart pounded with excitement. A lost city of gold! This was the adventure he’d been yearning for. He listened intently as the magician, a twinkle in his eye, shared a cryptic riddle:

When the sun kisses the tallest dune,
And the moon whispers secrets to the cacti,
The map will reveal its true tune,
And the path to the city will lie open to ye.

With a determined glint in his eyes, Dusty decided to take on the challenge. He knew it wouldn’t be easy, but he was a Buckaroo, and Buckaroos never backed down from an adventure.

Under the scorching sun, Dusty and Patches followed the map’s ever-changing lines, their shadows stretching long across the dunes. They braved sandstorms that roared like angry spirits and faced mirages that tempted them with promises of water. They even encountered a band of mischievous tumbleweeds that tried to roll them off course, but Dusty’s lasso skills proved too much for the prickly pranksters.

One night, as the moon bathed the desert in a silvery glow, Dusty noticed the shadows of the cacti aligning with the map’s symbols. A thrill shot through him as he realized the riddle was coming true.

With trembling hands, he traced the map’s glowing lines, his fingers tingling with anticipation. Suddenly, the sand beneath them shifted, revealing a hidden staircase leading down into the earth.

Dusty and Patches descended into the darkness, their hearts pounding with excitement. As they reached the bottom, they found themselves in a magnificent underground city, its walls adorned with gold and jewels.

The Lost City of Gold!

Dusty had done it! He had followed the Map of Shifting Sands, solved the riddle, and discovered the legendary city. He knew this was just the beginning of his adventures, but for now, he basked in the glow of his triumph, his heart filled with the magic of the Wild West sky.

But the magic didn’t stop there. The once-barren desert was now teeming with life. The tumble-homes sprouted colorful gardens, where plump pumpkins grew alongside giggling sunflowers. The candy cacti attracted swarms of butterflies, their wings shimmering like stained glass windows.

Dusty, with his lasso now adorned with twinkling star fragments, became a legend throughout the land. He rode from town to town, sharing the magic of the wishing star and spreading laughter wherever he went. He taught the townsfolk how to make lemonade from the river water, how to bake pies from the candy cacti, and how to build rocking chairs from the sturdy tumbleweeds.

The Wild West was no longer a harsh and unforgiving place. It was a land of laughter, where children played hopscotch on rainbow-colored clouds and cowboys rode giant jackalopes into the sunset. Saloons served root beer floats, and the local banditos had traded their six-shooters for banjos. Even the rattlesnakes shed their skins to reveal shimmering scales that sparkled like gemstones.

And at the heart of it all was Dusty, the cowgirl who lassoed a star and brought magic to the Wild West. She continued her adventures, always seeking new ways to spread joy and laughter, her heart as big as the open plains and her spirit as bright as the desert stars.

The End

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Gabi Bitter
The Slumber Club

A 🇭🇺 writing in English. Mostly about culture, short stories, introvert stuff, and micropoems.