Expecting Miracles

Gila Nehemia
The Slush Pile
Published in
4 min readSep 5, 2020


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

We believe miracles happen only in storybooks and mythology. We think that miracles do not happen every day. We expect the best and prepare for the worst. The rules are to use your logical mind to play out all the possibilities and also reach for the stars. The problem with this is that it leaves us with worry and anxiety because our mind gravitates to the least desirable outcome. At best, we have a failsafe. For example, if the job we desire doesn’t come through, then there is always plan B. Like when I applied to college, there was still the “safe” school. The safe school was the choice in case we didn’t get into the college of our dreams.

What if there wasn’t a plan B? If we believed that every door that closed leads to another door that opens even wider? What if we can expect the best and receive the best because we stopped worrying and trusted the Universe to deliver? What if we put out our highest vibration to get what we desired without a timeline? When we believe we can have what we want and feel that we have it, we are at peace. We trust and know it is coming to us.

When my late husband and I desired our first child, we thought she would be born in Israel. When that was not happening, we ended up leaving Israel, resettling in New York State, and she emerged. Was that chance? Did I know I would have a baby? Yes! Did I trust that she would come at the right time? Yes!!! Did I…



Gila Nehemia
The Slush Pile

Divine Intuitive Healer whose words guide people to heal chronic traumatic wounds to live a divine, erotic life. Get my book, gilanehemia.com/surreallove