How To Submit To The Slush Pile

We’ll publish anything

Zachary Phillips
The Slush Pile


Struggling to find a home for your writing? Want to brag about being accepted by a legit publication? Look no further than The Slush Pile!

We’ll publish anything!

We will not judge you for your writing ability, opinions, formatting or any of the other such nonsense that other publications pull you up on.

We know you put a lot of hard work into your writing piece, and that rejection can be hard. Sometimes so hard that it stops you writing for days on end.

This is a tragedy, but thankfully one that we can mitigate.

So if you want guaranteed acceptance, send your work our way, and you will see it posted.

Step one: Write your post.
Step two: Submit it to The Slush Pile
Step three: ???
Step four: Profit!

Just remember to follow mediums community guidelines and add the appropriate tags to your work if you want them featured.

Email me at with your medium profile name/email!

Welcome to The Slush Pile!



Zachary Phillips
The Slush Pile

Awareness. Acceptance. Authenticity. Helping people navigate dark nights of the soul.