I Think About Ending My Life Every Day

It’s time to MAN UP and talk about suicide

Zachary Phillips
The Slush Pile
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2021


Not a day goes by that thoughts of suicide don’t cross my mind.

They are almost always preceded by memories of trauma and neglect, or the feeling of being let down by those who should have been there for me.

Despite this I persist.

I rise and take action, and that action heals me.

Every day I learn the same lessons:
1. Thoughts of ending my life don’t last.
2. Moments of happiness can be found in every day, if I look for them.
3. I am no longer that weak and vulnerable little boy.
4. A little bit of daily self care (exercise, meditation, journaling) goes a long way.

There are some truths that I cannot move beyond.

The first is to try everything first, what have you got to loose? The second provides motivation for the first: ending my own life would just pass the pain onto my loved ones.

To be clear, right now I am fine. Yet I still have these thoughts, and I know a lot of you do as well.




Zachary Phillips
The Slush Pile

Intuitive Guide. Poet. Shadow Hunter. Coach. I help entrepreneurs navigate dark nights of the soul & find peace.