September 2023 Holidays, Observances & Special Days

…so long, summer!

Candace J. Dixon
The Small Business Marketer


Adobe Stock Photo

Technically, summer ended on August 31, and September 1 was the start to the meteorological fall in the Northern Hemisphere. According to the astronomical definition, however, you may enjoy the last days of summer up until the equinox on September 22 or 23.

September’s full moon is known as the Harvest Moon; the one closest to the autumnal equinox.

Zodiac signs in September: The Earth sign Virgo, represented by the goddess of wheat, and Libra, the air sign represented by scales.

Birthstones for September: Blue sapphire

Flowers of September: The Aster, which blooms this month, (purple, pink, red, and white), and the morning glory that has been blooming all summer.

These are just some of the many observances going on this ninth month of the year!

September 2023 Monthly Observances



Candace J. Dixon
The Small Business Marketer

I’m an accountant and content writer who thrives on researching the latest topics and trends in small business tax, accounting, finance and marketing.