GivingTuesday 2022

November 29, 2022

Candace J. Dixon
The Small Business Marketer


Updated: 9/17/2022
by Candace J. Dixon

#GivingEveryTuesday is a series of weekly opportunities to come together to give, volunteer, and show kindness in shared moments with communities, causes and countries around the world.

GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as an annual event to inspire people to put good into the world. It has grown into a year-round global movement inspiring millions of people around the world to celebrate generosity collectively.

GivingTuesday recognizes that we can all make significant positive changes by rooting our everyday actions, decisions and behavior in radical generosity, which is the concept that the suffering of others should be as intolerable to us as our own suffering. It creates systemic change through inviting others to do and give what they can.

How Is #GivingEveryTuesday Observed?

There is a theme each week ranging; the topics range from sustainability, to international holidays, to awareness about a variety of causes.

What Is #GivingEveryTuesday?



Candace J. Dixon
The Small Business Marketer

I’m an accountant and content writer who thrives on researching the latest topics and trends in small business tax, accounting, finance and marketing.