What Is Text Message Marketing?

Candace J. Dixon
The Small Business Marketer
4 min readMay 23, 2022


May 23, 2022
Candace J. Dixon

Adobe Stock Photo

What is text message marketing?

Text message marketing is when businesses decide to communicate business news, sales, promotions and other relevant information to their customers who have agreed to hear from them using SMS (short message service) text messages sent to their mobile devices. It’s a digital marketing strategy that helps to build brand awareness on a more personal level. Customers must opt in to text messaging before you begin sending texts to them.

Small businesses have the opportunity to communicate one-on-one with their customers or clients in a uniquely personal way through SMS marketing, or text message marketing. Text message marketing is powerful because text messaging is usually associated with more personal relationships by virtue of the fact that the texts literally live in people’s smartphones, and people are often attached to their phones.

Accessibility and communication translate into higher returns and greater customer satisfaction for businesses who use text message marketing. Customers choose text messaging for their communication needs over all other formats.

60% of consumers would rather schedule hair appointments via text; 65% would rather a financial service communicated by text…



Candace J. Dixon
The Small Business Marketer

I’m an accountant and content writer who thrives on researching the latest topics and trends in small business tax, accounting, finance and marketing.