What’s the IRS Really Doing With Those 87,000 New Hires?

Janet Yellen PROMISES Small Business Owners / Entire Middle Class Fewer Tax Audits; IRS Is Racing to Close Tax Gap

Candace J. Dixon
The Small Business Marketer


August 16, 2022
Candace J. Dixon

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When they recently reminded the public about their increased staff, it caused panic for the apparent millions of people on government websites at 11am. In her (televised) press release later that day, Treasury Department Secretary Janet Yellen tried to calm them down by insisting beyond any doubt that this was NOT the case.

It may not be 87,000, but the IRS certainly has been beefing up their staff this year; and they’re not trying to hide it. Back in May they conducted interviews to hire 4,000 contact representatives through their direct-hire authority, so they would be able to onboard the new employees in 40 to 45 days instead of the several months it usually took. Contact representatives assist taxpayers over the phone, through written correspondence or in person.



Candace J. Dixon
The Small Business Marketer

I’m an accountant and content writer who thrives on researching the latest topics and trends in small business tax, accounting, finance and marketing.