Legit! Alignment! Cool Shit Keeps Happening! ❤️

A summary of some of mine.

Fierce Force 💃🏼
Writers Navigate
8 min readSep 22, 2017


a fierce view, a divorced mom feeling fierce and sexi, laying back and enjoying the view of the universe unfolding around her❤️ her-at the core of the act of this art: life

Ok the natural disasters are too much for my soul to bear. My clients are in Houston, their clients are Mexico City, my colleagues are in Miami, and then Puerto Rico? Like as if zero communication or fresh food was not a wodge and a half as it is, the no air-conditioning? I can’t even. I just can’t.

It’s enough to have us all cry for our fellow man, and weep for our future grandbabies and our planet. So living in Eckhart Tolle moments as much as possible to be present and positive and not pulled into despair.

I had to crawl and claw my way out of my severe Trumpression that I went through in the first part of 2017 so I will do anything I can to not get unhinged again. Not by trolls, and not even by these disasters.

Wings out, shields up!

If I cocoon myself from this sadness however and go inward- then I burst with joy for the rest of my current wedge.

I wrote Shades of Glass linked below in Cozumel on August 1st 2017. The beginning day of turning my year around. The day I unknowingly baptized myself in letting go, trust, and surrender. The day I stepped into this gorgeous pool of alignment and have been swimming in ever since.

I am here to tell you- if you manifest and trust, let go, surrender, break cycles, do the work, and open your heart to receive — -cool shit really does start to happen, and it’s fascinating AF to be at the core of this happening for me. Doubt free. Faith FULL.

When Kathy Jacobs One-Line Poem Prompt came out this week on the publication Chalkboard (does anyone else get excited for Tuesdays like me?) and I saw it was “wish” — it was a no brainer. My wishes are coming true! My world, my life — is abundant today!

I say fiercely, loudly, proudly — Fuck yes.

Abundant with what you ask?

Abundant with….

  • Alignment
  • Creativity
  • Trust
  • Stillness
  • Love
  • Affirmations
  • Flow
  • Sugar (ok this one? I gotta do something about stat. It sneakily came into my life when I removed wine).
  • Words
  • Ideas
  • Wisdom
  • Fierce Truth
  • Self-Love

We write about a lot to pain and grief and sadness on Medium… while Facebook portrays happy happy white picket fences right? Like not always but you get what I’m saying right?

Today I share some good stuff. And like hello??? You are all my peoples!

My circle of trust!

My Medium tribe!

There are some topics I write on that I cannot share yet with my world due to protecting privacy for and from my family on extremely personal issues and information. And then there is the whole erotica thing right? Like do I really need my boss reading about my fantasies and my vibrating bullet?

Hell to the no.

But I’m abundantly bursting inside with joy! I want to shout out loudly the cool things I’m excited about today! Thank you peoples for sharing with me, for listening, for supporting and for celebrating with me. — - much love! ❤️ Grateful I can share with my Medium tribe!

1. I discovered a hott AF song, Downsville — by our Medium’s beloved Heath Houston — and I immediately orchestrated an entire music video movie in my head. As soon as I had it- my words would not let me rest until I transcribed it onto paper so the rest of the world could see my vision. Well this week Literally Literary published it! This is a big deal to me! Now… if we can just find some money and a producer…

2. I made a list that I am so pleasantly excited about — Top Sexisest Writers on Medium. I am so hugely honored to make this coveted list amongst these amazing femmes- written up by the all knowing sexy with authority Vienna! Walking through hell, coming out the outside, navigating this new life with stories, and finally picking up a pen — led me to this. To be recognized for it- it’a freaking rewarding. So much gratitude! Vienna my heart is so full and I adore your description. To read it from your perspective? So on point.

3. Chalkboard has re-opened Inspiration:Celebration! This was started after I responded to the Chalkboard Prompt “Inspiration”. Kathy Jacobs suggested we make this a stand alone project and open it up for all readers and writers to honor someone or two. The timing was perfect to lift spirits earlier on in 2017 and it will be great now as well. I love seeing positivity inflicted into the universe with these recognitions.

Links here are of Kathy Jacobs’ write up for this round followed by the original, as well as my Celebration on Heath Houston that got the ball rolling. We hope you choose to participate! You are all welcome. I also include links here for my Celebration of Tre L. Loadholt, H. Nemesis Nyx, SF Ali, and Indagadda Davida 🍎🐍.

4. My manifestations were just served me on a silver plater. A) I had a work dream- a highly unlikely one, that new management would come in. As soon as I got back from my solo Mexico trip-it was announced, completely unexpectedly, that this is going to happen. It’s like my wildest dreams coming true!

B) For almost 6 years I envisioned helping women who are either 1) thinking about separating but are too scared, 2) in the middle of divorcing 3) in pain and needing help recovering from a breakup. I even started a Facebook group called the Vagibonds (get it? vaginas-bonding), but it proved to be too much to run on my own at the time in addition to a career and three kids and life.

I continued to manifest this and have been playing with hashtags, branding, concepts to help people, ideas etc- trusting that one day something will happen in this lifetime with this idea. Two weeks after my solo Mexico trip- everything I ever pictured regarding these ideas came to me — falling on my lap and tied up on a pretty bow. I found a local incredible startup group helping people heal from breakups — turning pain and sorrow into healing, empowerment, and self-love.

This Breakup Project is for women and men struggling. A safe space where I have wanted to help for years. And it has my name all over it. I wish it had been around when my marriage blew up. The world needs this! It wasn’t a choice for me to not immediately dedicate a ton of time to it. It’s simply not an option regardless of time constraints. It’s my way to give back. It’s my hero’s journey and I could not be more thrilled. And more cool shit? I will write for them! If you or someone you know could use this by all means please check it out or refer your people. ***Anomynity is expected, respected, and appreciated.*****

5) 53 days of no boozin. I never stopped with a goal of going a week or a month or a year. I just stopped. And cool shit just keeps happening. Really cool shit. So I’m not exactly rushed to get wasted. Plus- I’ve been so motivated that I put out several pieces on it that I know have resonated with both inside and outside Medium, including my first locked piece.

6) I got to see Brene Brown speak this week- still floating! It’s the first week of her book tour Braving the Wilderness. Brene basically affirmed everything I am doing. Which is everything I’ve been doing since I wrote in April 2017 To Show Up, which Chalkboard published this summer. I’ll be typing up my notes of Brene’s talk for you. 1/2 way through the book already -it is so good! Strong back, soft front, wild heart!

*keep showing up*

I am breathing with you and for you, just as you are doing for me. Big Medium Squeeze! ❤️

Stay Fierce 💃


What Cool Shit is Happening for you?



Fierce Force 💃🏼
Writers Navigate

Naked On The Page. Mother. Living the next great love story. Want to see what happens next? Follow me, my pen knows best!