Fierce Force 💃🏼
Writers Navigate
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2017

Poetic Words of Positivity — written by Fierce Force’s Own Inner Healer.

Image Source: Fierce Force

Her body moved, almost skipping to the feel fucking fantastic music jamming away on her iPhone, tunes from DJ J-Wall Link on SoundCloud.

The Texas Sky and the fresh air infused her mood with extra positivity too.

What’s this? A Sunday evening- honoring her body with enough energy finally to walk: to crush the Fitbit goal she ignored yesterday finding no energy to go. Yesterday was about safely honoring her nervous system. Resting when her inner healer and body called for rest. Instead of reaching for and consuming the usual whatever was around shit needed to keep her feeling “up” and “on the go”.

What’s this? 7 days and 7 nights with solamente uno glass of vino? Thank you Mindy F. — this is her way of writing you and being accountable. It’s a process. Hell- It’s an accomplishment!

What’s this? Chia seeds, vegetables, fruit, kombucha, water, booze, no Red Bull, and limited sugar. Thank you for giving her so much food (pun haha) for thought Indagadda Davida 🍎🐍.

What’s this? No being buzzed, no feeling drunk or hungover, no thinking “I didn’t grow this weekend, I did not do what served me”. Dammit! “Well I’ll start tomorrow”. Not that! Nope! Not today!

Oh God! Does this feel great!

And writing! So so so much writing! Pouring her heart and her soul into her current creative outlet. Fuck Yes!

Medium — 3 new publications in the past two weeks, a honor, new stories, new connections made, new calls to action. Her first collaboration project ever (with Kathy Jacobs at Chalkboard), an honor, which is facilitating her discovering more great writers!

Oh God, this feels so affirming, this feels right! Her source led her to this weekend. She got herself clear headed enough to keep attracting an abundance of goodness for herself.

It’s a Sunday night. She’s not sitting in regret. She’s not sitting in self-depreciation. It was however, a fascinating place for her to visit hot second. It was hell, but it gave her a will to climb out of that place. To push the fuck out and rise again. And oh God is she rising again! To find her joy. To have found her will to reduce her RX intake severely down to not fuck herself completely.

She closed her eyes, and she called to me, her Inner Healer. She said,

Thank you Inner Healer!

What’s in the way, is the way. And I’m going through it….

To find my power.

To find my intention.

To appreciate Source.

To appreciate The Universe.

To appreciate you! My Inner Healer.

I am calm.

I am awake.

I am clear.

I am still.

I am present.

And, she was.

Be Fierce💃



Fierce Force 💃🏼
Writers Navigate

Naked On The Page. Mother. Living the next great love story. Want to see what happens next? Follow me, my pen knows best!